Driver Escapes With Minor Injuries After Flying Turkey Smashes Through The Windshield of His Transport on Highway 401 East of Cobourg

In Editor Choice, Local, Photo Gallery, Police Blotter

A transport driver escaped with only minor injuries after a flying turkey smashed through the front window of his big rig on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 east of Cobourg.

Shortly before 5 p.m. the transport driver was travelling in the eastbound lanes of Highway 401 approximately four kilometres east of Cobourg when a flying turkey smashed through the drivers side window of his cab.

The driver managed to maintain control, pulling the rig to the shoulder of the highway with the turkey apparently dead on his lap from the impact.

Moments later, the turkey regained consciousness and the driver immediately threw it out of his cab and called emergency services.

Northumberland OPP and Northumberland County Paramedics arrived on scene with the transport driver sitting in his cab.

The driver was suffering from facial cuts from the glass.

There seemed to be no sign of the turkey, other than a small area of blood where the driver threw out the bird.

While the driver was stepping out of his cab, the turkey appeared from underneath the trailer and made a dash to the fenceline.

The transport driver walked to the ambulance shaking the glass from his clothing.

OPP officers were concerned the turkey may become a traffic hazard and threw a snowball just to make sure the turkey was headed in the right direction and not towards the highway.

Police said the driver was extremely lucky not to be seriously injured.

The truck driver was treated by paramedics and released.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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