Breaking News – A Cobourg Man Is Dead Following A Collision in Port Hope

In Local, Photo Gallery, Police Blotter

A Cobourg man died of his injuries on Monday, February 21, 2022 following a collision in Port Hope at approximately 10 p.m.

Port Hope Police notified the Special Investigations Unit, but because CN Police are a federally regulated police service, the SIU has no jurisdiction.

The release stated at approximately 10 p.m. a CN Police officer attempted to stop a vehicle on Peter Street in Port Hope when the vehicle fled.

Diane Hannah lives in Port Hope and was going to work in Cobourg when she witnessed what she believed to be a pursuit.

Hannah said she was pulling out of Tim Hortons on Peter Street when a black car went speeding by her at a high rate of speed heading west. Seconds later a police cruiser went by with emergency lights activated.

“He (the police cruiser) was a fair distance behind, but I knew he was after that car.”

Hannah said she knew at the speed the vehicle was going it would never have made the intersection at Peter and Mill Street South.

“There is no way a car going at that rate of speed could ever make the bend at the train bridge or even going straight through to go under the bridge – no way.”

The car was going so fast that when Hannah first pulled out she didn’t even see it, but then it went by, “in a flash.”

When the vehicle went by Hannah, she said the police weren’t even in sight, but a short distance away a police cruiser with emergency lights went past her.

The vehicle involved in the collision went through the intersection at Peter and Mill Street South, launched off the median, went through the archway in the viaduct and struck another part of the viaduct and Robertson Street bridge.

The vehicle was literally torn in two pieces with debris scattered across the roadway and area.

Members of the OPP Traffic Collision Investigators arrived at the scene to determine the cause of the collision.

At this time, Port Hope Police are in charge of the investigation.

A 20-year-old Cobourg man was pronounced deceased at the scene.

Anyone with information are asked to contact Port Hope Police at 905-885-8123 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS

Today’s Northumberland has reached out to CN Rail for comment.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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