Cold Springs Park Playground Project Gets OTF Grant

In Editor Choice, Local

The Township of Hamilton has received a $50,000 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OFT) to install new accessible playground equipment at the Cold Springs Park located at 3844 Burnham Street North. The project will be completed by the Summer of 2022.

MPP David Piccini was in attendance with Township of Hamilton Mayor Bill Cane, Township of Hamilton Cold Springs Park Advisory Committee Chair Shawn McIntosh, and Township staff at the Funding Announcement Event.

“Our youth are our future, and I’m thrilled that our government is supporting the community’s efforts to keep kids healthy and active, right here in Northumberland-Peterborough South,” said Piccini.

“This investment by the Ontario Trillium Foundation to install new playground equipment at the Cold Springs Park is great news for many in our community,” said Cane.

“The new playground equipment funded by the OTF will feature accessible play structures, an access ramp, and an accessible playground base so children and adults of all abilities can enjoy the equipment and great outdoors in our beautiful Township.”

The Cold Springs Park Advisory Committee has fundraised for new playground equipment and a picnic shelter over many years.

“The funding received from the Ontario Trillium Foundation will enable us to see this long-standing dream of many local volunteers and residents, who have tirelessly fundraised over the past 20 years, become a reality,” said McIntosh.

“The impact of the grant cannot be underestimated. Not only will our children have the opportunity to be more physically active outside on the new playground equipment, their parents and guardians will be able to enjoy the time outdoors with them as well. We hope that there are many playdates, family picnics and community gatherings in the years to come at the Cold Springs Park because of the installation of this playground.”

The township of Hamilton is committed to preserving this space and ensuring that it remains accessible and available for many community activities in the future. If you wish to donate to the Cold Springs Park Project or enquire about using the Park or the neighbouring Cold Springs Memorial Hall for hosting an event, please visit the Township website at

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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