OPG – Winter Water Can Pose Additional Dangers – Stay Clear, Stay Safe this Family Day

In Local

The Family Day long weekend is a great time for winter activities, but Ontario Power Generation (OPG) reminds you to stay away from hydroelectric facilities while you’re enjoying the great outdoors.

Regardless of the temperature, it’s dangerous to assume ice in areas around hydroelectric stations is safe. Water flow, fluctuating water levels and other factors can contribute to unsafe conditions.

Please stay away from water above and below hydro facilities, and obey all warning signs and barriers.

For more information about water safety, please visit: www.opg.com/watersafety

Quick facts
• OPG operates 66 hydroelectric stations and 241 dams on 24 Ontario river systems.
• Many of these facilities are remote controlled, meaning there’s no one there to warn you of imminently changing, potentially dangerous conditions.
• For your safety, do not snowmobile, ski, icefish or participate in any other activity around dams and generating stations.

”Though the province has had many very cold, snowy days so far in 2022, ice in areas around hydroelectric stations can be deceptively thin,” said Paul Seguin, OPG Senior Vice President, Renewable Generation. “Please, as part of enjoying the Family Day long weekend, ensure you, your children and your pets stay safe and stay clear of these areas.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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