Secret is Out – The 49th Annual Port Hope Christmas Tile Unveiled

In Community, Local

The annual Port Hope Christmas Tile was presented on Thursday, December 2, 2021.
The series started in 1973 by The Olde Tyme Christmas Committee created the annual Christmas Tile.
Each year since, a local artist sketches a private home, public building, monument or an event and it is then silk screened onto a six inch tile.
Karen O’Hara announced the official tile was presented to owners Mazumi Suzuki and Rod Stewart who are the owners of the Lift House located on Barrett Street.
The tiles are $15.00 and are for sale starting Friday morning at Holton Flowers, 62 Walton Street and at The Port Hope and District Chamber of Commerce, 58 Queen Street.
The home is part of the ACO virtual tour, along with many other homes, said O’Hara.
“Along with many other homes it was such an overwhelming response, the ACO is offering tours over the Christmas season.”
O’Hara has been coordinating the Annual Christmas Tile since 1997 on behalf of a few different organizations, but for the past decade it has been her “pet project.”
Each tile every year is very unique, in particular in 2018 the “IT…You’ll Float Too!”
Once the costs of the tiles are covered, O’Hara makes a donation to a local charity on behalf of the building owners.
O’Hara said she already has ideas for the 50th anniversary, but it keeping it under wraps.
Tiles from previous years are available by contacting O’Hara at 905-885-4348.
Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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