Cobourg Survivor Thrivers Host Holiday Fundraiser

In Charity, Upcoming Events

The Cobourg Survivor Thrivers Breast Cancer Dragon Boat Team is inviting the community to honour loved ones this holiday season in support of the Lions and Lioness Cancer and Supportive Care Clinic at Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH). In collaboration with the Town of Cobourg, this community-minded team is sponsoring a Christmas Tribute Garden on display in Rotary Harbourfront Park and selling tribute decorations in various locations throughout late November and December.

Tribute decorations have been handcrafted by this team to honour those who are newly diagnosed, presently struggling, or have passed away from a life-threatening disease. These
can be purchased for a $5.00 minimum donation and purchasers can use the blank tag attached to each decoration to note a name or small tribute. Decorations will then be hung within the
Tribute Garden or if preferred, can be taken home by the donor.

The Tribute decorations will be available for purchase or on display at:
• The Cobourg Farmers Market – 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. on November 27, December 4, 11
and 18

• The Tribute Garden at Rotary Harbourfront Park – 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. on December 4,
10, 11, 17, 18 and 23

• The Givbak Boutique at Holistic Family Wellness Centre – 6-1040 Division Street,

“The Survivor Thrivers goal in the creation of The Christmas Tribute Garden was to come up with an annual fundraising event that the community would embrace, and raise awareness for
breast cancer survivors,” shares Sharyn Dunn, Vice-President of Cobourg Survivor Thrivers.

“Every member on our team has battled with breast cancer and we all feel we have been given a second chance and so, our goal is to let others who are struggling with a cancer diagnosis
know that they are not alone and that there is life after cancer. The Tribute Garden is a way to involve the whole community to honour the lives of those we love, but those who have either
been through, been newly diagnosed or are fighting their battle with cancer or another disease.”

The Survivor Thrivers are a local dragon boat team of men and women who are living with a breast cancer diagnosis – they have all faced a life-threatening situation, defeated their dragons
and now they race them. The Survivor Thrivers mission is to raise awareness about Breast Cancer and its prevention, encourage the pursuit of a cure and help all understand that they can
lead full, active lives despite a cancer diagnosis.

All proceeds will be donated to the Lions and Lioness Cancer and Supportive Care Clinic.

Additional details on this and other events in support of NHH can be found at

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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