NHH Initiates Territorial Acknowledgement

In Local

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland

For the first time, Northumberland Hills Hospital board chair Pam Went opened this week’s meeting with a formal territorial acknowledgment and a moment of reflection.

It’s a suggestion that has been made before, Went said, but she resisted – not because she didn’t approve the idea but because she didn’t want it to become a rote ritual that lost its meaning through repetition.

Her solution is to arrange for one of the board members to deliver the acknowledgment each month and to consider sharing something – a reflection, an experience or perhaps a pause for reflection.

“So we can make it a little more – I want to say personal, but closer to our hearts than just a line on the agenda,” Went said.

“So I will be looking for volunteers to do that.”

Went added that the board will hold an educational session on equity, diversion and inclusion next month.

President and Chief Executive Officer Susan Walsh’s report recounted the hospital’s first observance of Truth and Reconciliation Day on Sept. 30. They raised the Every Child Matters flag, set up educational displays in the corridor near the Bistro and made available information promoting greater awareness of the issues around Truth and Reconciliation.

Walsh added a quote from Alderville First Nation Chief Dave Mowat.

“At the end of the day, it is about the lives of our precious children, and the common element is that all of our children matter, including yours and mind. Let us never repeat such atrocities, but instead focus on the truth and reconciliation needed to move forward as a stronger society.”

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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