Cobourg Police Services Board Names New Deputy Chief

In Editor Choice, Local, Police Blotter

The Cobourg Police Services Board is pleased to announce that it has selected Inspector Jeffrey Haskins as the new Deputy Chief of the Cobourg Police Service.

Deputy Chief-Designate Haskins is a 30-year veteran of policing, serving with the Durham Regional Police
Service (DRPS). Since being hired as a police cadet in 1991, Jeff has ascended the ranks and is currently an
Inspector at DRPS. In the variety of administrative and operational portfolios throughout his career, he led
transformational change within the police service making many significant contributions to the policing

While at DRPS, Deputy Chief-Designate Haskins served in the Intelligence Branch, Professional Standards Unit,
Equity and Inclusion Unit, Regional Duty Inspector Office, and was the Divisional Commander at both East and
West Division. He was also seconded to the Ministry of the Solicitor General (now the Ministry of Community
Safety and Correctional Services) as an Auditor. Deputy Chief-Designate Haskins spearheaded the 2017-2019
DRPS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan. He has also been a member of multiple internal and
community-focused committees, most recently the DRPS Diversity Advisory Committee, Durham Vision Zero
Road Safety Steering Committee and the Body-Worn Camera Steering Committee.

Jeff is a graduate of the Humber College Police Foundations program and holds a Bachelor of Applied Arts in
Justice Studies from the University of Guelph. Jeff has also completed the Canadian Association of Chiefs of
Police Executive Global Studies Program, an executive development program for succession-ready senior
leaders in policing.

“I am happy to make this announcement today on behalf of the Board, and we welcome Deputy ChiefDesignate Haskins to the Cobourg Police Service,” says Chair Dean Pepper, Cobourg Police Services Board. “Jeff
comes to our service as a proven leader in the policing community. His experience with several complex
portfolios will be of value in his new role as the Board and the Service continue to strive for operational
excellence and innovation in policing. His skill set and progressive approach to policing will engage our external
partners and advance our community policing model.”

“I am looking forward to having Jeff join our dynamic and energetic executive command team. He will bring
new opportunities to build on the momentum set by our members, continuing the exemplary service to our
community,” says Chief Paul VandeGraaf, Cobourg Police Service.

“It is a privilege to have been selected for this executive role with the Cobourg Police Service,” says Deputy
Chief-Designate Haskins. “I look forward to putting all my effort into supporting each of our internal teams.
Cobourg Police Service has a long tradition of being a high-functioning team of professionals who provide
exemplary service to the various communities and populations who call Cobourg their home. I will work hard to
honourably and faithfully serve the residents of Cobourg in a respectful way and make every effort to directly
contribute to the success of our community.”

Deputy Chief-Designate Haskins commences his new duties on November 1, 2021.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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