Port Hope COVID-19 Update: Additional Facilities Open for In-Person Service

In City Hall

The Municipality of Port Hope is pleased to share that additional municipal facilities are now open for in-person services and that certain services will continue to be conducted via appointments to enhance efficiencies. 

Staff services and continuity of business

In-person services are now available at Town Hall (56 Queen Street), the Development Team Office (5 Mill Street South), and the Fire Administration Office (245 Ontario Street).

It is recommended that residents access in-person services for ‘quick trip’ items, which include:

  • Purchasing garbage tags (Town Hall)
  • Buying a bus pass (Town Hall and Development Team Office)
  • Obtaining a dog tag (Town Hall)
  • Paying a parking ticket (Town Hall and Development Team Office)

Capacity limits and physical distancing within our facilities remain in effect as the pandemic is on-going. As such, residents are encouraged to continue to access services using the following methods, when possible:

  • Accessing our convenient online services at porthope.ca for online forms and information
  • Using the drop box at Town Hall for tax and water bill payments (if not paying online)
  • Calling staff for information at 905-885-4544
  • Booking an appointment with staff for services that require additional staff time (i.e. to obtain a marriage licence or to request an in-person development review meeting, etc.). Appointments can be made by calling 905-885-4544 or by email at //porthope.ca/contact

Council Meetings

Council meetings will remain online at this time. Council will consider options for the possibility of in-person Council meetings at a later date. Meetings can be accessed via Zoom video conferencing or by phone. Information about public participation at Council meetings is included on the Council agendas, available at //porthope.ca/council.

Recreation programs and facilities

The Jack Burger Sports Complex and Town Park Recreation Centre are open for scheduled programming. Registration for Fall session programs and activities is now open until Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Details are available at //porthope.ca/recreation.

Information regarding vaccine passport requirements mandated by the Province will be shared soon. 

COVID-19 protocols at facilities open to the public

The following facilities are now open to the public for in-person services and programming:

  • Town Hall
  • Development Team Office
  • Fire Administration Office
  • Tourism Office
  • Jack Burger Sports Complex
  • Town Park Recreation Centre
  • Port Hope Public Library

Each facility has site-specific protocols and capacity limits, which have been developed in consultation with the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit. 

Additional information about services and facilities is available at //porthope.ca/covid-19

Quote from Mayor Sanderson

“Cautiously reopening our facilities for quick, in-person services allows us to start resuming our pre-COVID status, but we continue to monitor the COVID data in our area and follow the advice and guidance of the Health Unit and the Province,” notes Bob Sanderson, Mayor of the Municipality of Port Hope. “The health and welfare of both our staff and our residents is a priority. As we open our doors again, we expect that everyone remains respectful of one another as we navigate this new norm.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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