Editorial – Grow Up and Act Like An Adult

In Editorial

When it comes to elections, either provincial or federal I tend to sit on the fence.

There is the good, the bad with every party and similar to an argument, the truth usually is somewhere in the middle.

There are a few things I’ve been a tad vocal about concerning this election. Afghanistan being the major sticking point with me. But I’ve said enough about that.

What bothers me to the extreme is people who seem a tad misguided (to be polite) and intent on destroying political signs.

During the last several days there have been signs damaged in Cobourg and on County Road 2 between Cobourg and Port Hope.

Being no CSI, but looking at the signs, it appears some sort of box cutter was used. Maybe it was the same “person?”

Who knows.

But what is the intent of destroying a sign? Did it hurt the individual/s in some sort of way?

No matter the party, I’ve always had respect for people in any political ranking from municipal to federal that if they put their name forward for an election that takes guts.

You’re going to be loved, but more importantly you’re going to be loathed, despised, and maybe even yelled at. You won’t know the answers to all the questions. When you don’t, you’ll see a twinkle in the person’s eye thinking to them self – “gotcha.”

Worst of all, everything in the public eye.

If you ever have something against any party, we as Canadians can do something about it.

On September 20, when you go to the polling station. Take the pencil firmly in hand and put an X who you vote for.

Hopefully your anger, frustration will be alleviated.

After that, if the person you chose didn’t win. Frankly, suck it up. You’re 18 years of age or older and are considered an adult – act like one.

Destroying political party signs is a childish thing to do and it’s a crime. It almost makes you wonder if the person/s responsible are having a difficult time putting the X in the little box on voting day so they have to take their frustrations out on a sign.

In Canada we are free to vote for whatever person or party we wish to vote for.

Be grateful for that. It’s not the case in other parts of the world.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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