Exclusive – Cobourg Woman Says Health Unit Breached Privacy

In Editor Choice, Local

A Cobourg woman is fuming at a breach of privacy by the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit.

Angie Morrison was relaxing at her trailer near Lindsay on Thursday evening when she opened up an e-mail on Thursday, July 22, 2021 from the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit concerning the COVID-19 vaccine.

The notice was regarding people who have received their first dose of the vaccine and went into detail about the Health Unit requiring the person to change their second dose appointment.

At first what caught Morrison’s attention about the e-mail from the Health Unit is they were talking about booking her appointment for the second shot – yet she had already received her second shot on July 13 at the Cobourg Community Centre.

But shortly after getting her first e-mail, she received a second one from someone she didn’t know.

“I said, “wait a minute – how is somebody else replying to the e-mail I got?”

Looking at the e-mail closer she realized the e-mail from the Health Unit was addressed to not only her, but 197 other people.

“I hit the expand button and I see people I know.”

E-mail addresses include Northumberland County staff, township staff, school board staff, Children’s Aid staff among many others.

“What the hell happened?”

Other e-mails from people replying to the Health Unit started coming in.

One person stated, “Seriously? You just exposed all the private emails of everyone? Have you ever heard of BCC?”

Another stated, “totally not cool.”

Morrison said, “I was just blown away.”

Because some people think the vaccine is controversial it’s all the more reason to have privacy.

“Even within families people are arguing about this. People don’t have the same stance.”

Morrison has chosen not to let other families members or friends know that she have got the vaccine.

“I’d rather not have that conversation or have it come between people.”

But now that her e-mail has been released to 197 people including at least one family member and other relatives she knows – it doesn’t matter at this point.

“For them to send this out so that 197 other people know that I’ve had my vaccine – that bothers me.”

“If I’m choosing to keep my private medical information from my family and friends. I certainly don’t want strangers having it.”

“I 100-percent think it’s a breach of privacy.”

There are e-mail addresses of some of Morrison’s friends on the list and she didn’t disclose her information regarding vaccines to them – but the Health Unit did.

“There is actually a family member of mine that is on that list and she doesn’t know that I’m vaccinated. I certainly don’t want other people knowing that.”

Morrison is well aware that mistakes happen but, “somebody needs to be held accountable.”

“We all make mistakes – we’re human and there are errors, but their not sending me out a flyer about a sale.”

“When you’re somebody that works in an office, when you’re sending out a e-mail to multiple people you’re always choosing BCC (blind carbon copy.”

The weekend at her trailer is all but gone the more Morrison thinks about the breach of privacy.

“I’m anxious, I feel my privacy has been invaded. I feel vulnerable because the decision didn’t come lightly to get vaccinated.”

She’s contemplating calling the Health Unit on Friday, but states, “the damage is done.”

“A generic apology is not good enough and won’t change anything.”

At this point, Morrison isn’t entirely sure if the e-mail from the Health Unit pertains to her or a member of her family.

Today’s Northumberland reached out to the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit for comment on Thursday evening. Today’s Northumberland will update the story when the Health Unit responds.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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