Municipality of Port Hope Re-Opening Plan for Recreational Facilities and Programing

In City Hall

Ontario enters Step 3 of the Reopening Roadmap on Friday, July 16, 2021, with COVID-19 public health measures still in effect for all Ontarians. We look forward to welcoming the community back to our recreation facilities and to offering limited, modified programs and activities for residents to enjoy. To ensure the safety of staff and our patrons, we are implementing a staged opening for our indoor recreation facilities and programming.

Day Camps

Day Camp continues to take place throughout the summer, until the end of August. Day Camp registration is available on a continual basis for week-long sessions.

The Day Camp program has been modified to meet the criteria set out by the Province and health authorities during the pandemic. Details and registration information can be found at

Recreational Swims

Recreational swims will commence at the Jack Burger Sports Complex (JBSC) beginning Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Reservations will open for public, adult, and family recreational swims online on Monday July 19, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. and be ongoing.  Phone reservations will be accepted 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on both July 19 and July 20. Reservations are strongly encouraged as capacity limits have been set to maintain distancing in changerooms. Starting Wednesday, July 21, patrons can also drop-in during swim times, but space may be limited based on capacity. Visit for the swim schedule and registration details or call the JBSC at 905-885-2474.

Swimming lessons

Swimming lessons will be offered beginning Monday, August 2, 2021, with two schedule options: 

  1. Twice a week for 4 weeks, Tuesday and Wednesday in the evenings
  2. ‘Every day for a week’ lessons from Monday to Friday in the mornings

Registration for lessons will open on Monday, July 26, 2021, online, in-person and over-the-phone. Visit for details.

Town Park Recreation Centre and Programs

The Town Park Recreation Centre remains the hub for our modified Summer Day Camp. Additionally, staff are planning for the return of pickleball, which will be available in the gymnasium in the coming weeks. More information about pickleball schedules and reservations will be shared via the website and on our municipal social media accounts. Registered outdoor recreation and fitness programs will continue to be offered, along with the Parks Pop Up Program and Free Summer Fit Series. Visit for updates on this registration.

Facility and Park Rentals

Room and park reservations will be available at various facilities and parks with COVID-19 protocols in place. Some restrictions on availability will remain due to existing programming, maintenance needs, and limited hours of operation. Staff will communicate these based on each request. Birthday parties will not be permitted at this time. To submit a booking request, visit the Facility Bookings page on our website.

Arena – Jack Burger Sport Complex (JBSC)

The arena at the JBSC remains closed until the fall, pending public health guidelines. More information about community ice rentals and public skating opportunities will be communicated via our website and on social media at the end of August.

Ruth Clarke Activity Centre for Seniors Programming

A summer program schedule will remainavailable to Ruth Clarke Activity Centre (RCAC) members, with activities being hosted out of the Town Park Recreation Centre. We continue to work in partnership with the RCAC Advisory Board to establish targets for fall programming.

Administrative Buildings and Services

All other municipal services remain available either virtually or by appointment only. This approach is being maintained to ensure that staff can safely meet with the public in the context of the public space limitations within our historic buildings (i.e. Town Hall) and other facilities with space constraints.

This approach will be re-evaluated in August and more information will be communicated for the fall.

Health and Safety

Residents are reminded that we continue to follow the health guidelines mandated by the Province and that staff will closely monitor capacity and traffic flow within in the recreation facilities to ensure physical distancing is maintained.

All facility users will be required to wear masks inside all facilities, masks can only be removed on the pool deck or during their designated program.

Active screening protocols will remain in place, as will contact tracing for all patrons visiting our recreation facilities. We kindly ask that residents stay home if they are feeling unwell.

We look forward to welcoming our community back to our facilities and offering safe recreational programs for all to enjoy. Please refer to our dedicated COVID-19 webpage for additional details and monitor our Recreation webpage for new registration details.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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