Editorial – Five Star Treatment at Mass Vaccination Clinic in Cobourg

In Editor Choice, Editorial, Local

Editorial – Everyone working in the Cobourg Community Centre during the Mass Vaccination Clinic deserves a tip of the hat or a virtual high-five.

That’s not a political comment, nobody has paid me. This is from what I saw and witnessed first hand at the clinic on March 16, 2021.

For anyone that might have a bit of anxiety about attending the clinic, this may help calm your nerves.

Premier Doug Ford came down on Monday, March 15, 2021 to hold a press conference at the site, but the hard work got started the following day on Tuesday, March 16, 2021.

People at the site included Cobourg Police Auxiliary, Rotary Club of Cobourg, Northumberland County Paramedics, Northumberland Hills Hospital staff and members of the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit.

As a member of the media it’s one thing to watch a demonstration of the clinic under controlled measures. It’s another watching it unfold without dignitaries. Seeing the “real” clinic. The good, the bad and possibly the ugly.

Today, I accompanied my 84-year-old father to the clinic which is on the arena floor of the Cobourg Community Centre.

I was his “caregiver” and followed him throughout the procedure.

In reality, he is more my caregiver. And I’d likely need medical help if he read that I said that I was his.

Everyone is directed to arrive approximately 10 minutes before their appointment time.

They are told to go to the east entrance of the Cobourg Community Centre which is on D’Arcy Street.

On Tuesday, the clinic started smaller with approximately 300 people getting their vaccines, but they will be ramping it up to 600 per day.

The availability of the vaccine is something that can obviously fluctuate the number of people receiving it.

Just as we were about to enter the parking lot of the CCC we were stopped by a Cobourg Police Auxiliary.

He asked many questions concerning runny nose, fever and many, many other questions which we all know now that COVID-19 has been around for over a year.

When we went, there were many spots available. With approximately 2,900 seniors scheduled for appointments over the next week parking may become an issue.

We were directed to park near the back entrance and went in.

Dad was greeted and asked what time his appointment was, then directed to go inside the arena, which is called the Bowl.

Before we got to the arena floor, another person greeted Dad asked for more information. The person, like many in the arena was wearing a orange shirt that said, “Helping to Beat COVID in Northumberland “One Jab” at a time!”

Dad was escorted to the area where he was to get the Pfizer vaccine.

Alas, I know it is getting repetitive, but another person, Administrative Assistant, Joanne Wright with the Haliburton, Kawartha District Pine Ridge Health Unit asked Dad more information.

Then, Registered Nurse Marilyn Galonski brought “the tray.”

The tray that held the syringe with the Pfizer vaccine.

Galonski asked Dad about allergies or medication he was on that could possibly cause a problem or reaction to the vaccine.

Dad was given the green light and all was clear.

Finally, after over a year of waiting – it happened.

As his son, I never really thought I was upset or worried, but I can say, to see the needle go in his arm, I was relieved.

My father is one of the lucky ones. He got his first shot of the vaccine. There are millions more that need to get it. We all hope the vaccine will come.

After the vaccine Dad had to wait for 15-minutes before he could leave. They gave him a sheet with what to watch out for in terms of reactions and it even stated on the paper what time he could leave at.

While waiting volunteers chatted and asked how he was feeling. When a person in the chair just down from us was done and left, a volunteer sanitized the chair from top to bottom.

While walking out, there were Post It notes stuck on the glass surrounding the arena that said, “CONGRATS.”

A member of the team asked people if they would like to say anything and he’d write it and post it on the arena glass.

On the other side, another volunteer was posting notes in the shape of two hearts.

Just before exiting, Dad was given a receipt that basically said he received the Pfizer vaccine and they would be calling him in the future about his next vaccine.

A gentleman asked Dad if he wanted an apple juice, then Dad walked out the doors to the Cobourg Community Centre.

The entire process took approximately 30-minutes.

Throughout the time at the clinic everyone was absolutely fantastic. They were upbeat, cheerful, helpful and caring.

You wouldn’t get better care at a five star resort.

Cobourg is, and has always been amazing. In COVID times, when you see the amount that volunteers give to help others – sometimes no words can describe it.

The only information I can provide to the families of people getting the vaccine. If your parent is getting the vaccine, make sure they are aware of the Cobourg Community Centre and its surroundings. Sometimes the “circles” on D’Arcy Street cause confusion.

As we left, there was a driver ahead of us that was clearly having navigation problems trying to get into the clinic.

I’m only one voice, but I want to thank everyone who is involved in the Mass Vaccination Clinic at the Cobourg Community Centre.

Each comforting smile, each comforting word is felt and heard and appreciated.

Let the “jabs” continue.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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