Cobourg Police Service resumes the Selective Traffic Enforcement Project With a Focus on Stop Sign Violations

In Police Blotter

Cobourg Police Service (CPS) Selective Traffic Enforcement Project (STEP) initiative has resumed for 2021.

During the month of March 2021, CPS members focus on community education and enforcement, targeting
stop sign violation in the Town of Cobourg.CPS will be looking for 100% compliance from all roadway users,
including motorized vehicles and cyclists, to help keep drivers, passengers and pedestrians safe.

Under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act section 136 (1)(a), drivers are required to come to a full and complete
stop at a stop sign. Penalties are as follows:

• Three demerit points and a fine of $85. Fines increase to $150 in Community Safety Zones
Drivers are reminded to come to a complete stop at all stop signs before proceeding or making a turn. Here
are a few reminders for a controlled intersection where you face a stop sign:

• Be alert, look carefully for pedestrians, cyclists, other motor vehicles

• Come to a complete stop

• Be sure to scan any sidewalks and paths/trails as well as the roadways.

• Drive through the intersection only when the way is clear

The Cobourg Police Service is determined to make our community roadways as safe as possible through
enforcement and education. The Cobourg Police Service will be enhancing our traffic patrols for 2021 with the
Select Traffic Enforcement Project (STEP). This project is being run throughout the year, focusing on a different
road safety topic each month.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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