Conservatives Pass MP Philip Lawrence’s Bill to Provide Farmers Relief from Carbon Tax

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Philip Lawrence Official Portrait / Portrait Officiel Ottawa, ONTARIO, Canada on 22 November, 2019. © HOC-CDC Credit: Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons Photo Services

On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, the House of Commons passed at second reading a Conservative bill that would exempt farmers from paying the Liberal Carbon Tax on natural gas and propane.

Introduced by MP Philip Lawrence, Bill C-206, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (qualifying farming fuel), seeks to provide farmers with relief from the Liberal Carbon Tax by extending the current exemption to include natural gas and propane.

These farming fuels are critical to the operations of many farmers and there are currently no alternatives.

“The support of the NDP and Bloc shows that whether you agree with the Carbon Tax or not, this is a necessary change to support the livelihoods of Canadian farmers,” said Lawrence.

“Unfortunately, the failure of the Liberals to support this critical legislation proves again that they are more interested in playing partisan games than helping farmers across Canada.”

Challenges to our agricultural sector have been extensive, with farmers feeling the effects of the COVID pandemic, global trade wars, and challenging weather conditions. In a world where much of our competition isn’t subject to pollution pricing barriers, the Carbon Tax is an unfair burden on our farmers.

“Today is a win for Canada’s agriculture workers,” said Lawrence. “Conservatives will always advocate for farmers and will continue to propose common-sense policies that will make life more affordable for our world class agriculture sector.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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