Update – Unknown if Realtor Has Resigned from Northumberland Hills Association of Realtors

In Local

It’s unknown whether a realtor has resigned as a Director of the Northumberland Hills Association of Realtors.

In a story posted by Rebel News on January 12, 2021, local realtor Jody Ledgerwood discussed the feedback, both good and bad, following a story in Today’s Northumberland about her trip to Vancouver for a outdoor New Year’s Eve party.

The event was called the NYE Freedom Rally Dance Party which was held outside the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Ledgerwood posted two videos at the Freedom Rally that she stated was a anti-lockdown and anti-COVID gathering and called on people to do their research.

Shortly after Today’s Northumberland’s story, Rebel News picked up the story and spoke with Ledgerwood.

During the interview Ledgerwood showed a letter sent to her by the Northumberland Hills Real Estate Association calling for her resignation from the Board.

Ledgerwood has been on the Board of Directors and has also been a President of the Board of Directors for the Northumberland Hills Real Estate Association for a number of years.
The letter dated January 6, 2021 stated:

“As you are aware, the Northumberland Hills Association of Realltors has a COVID-19 policy regarding wearing masks in the NHAR office and supports the COVID-19 policies put forth by related organizations such as the Ontario Real Estate Association and the Real Estate Council of Ontario. As a Director of NHAR, you are expected to support these COVID-19 policies.
On New Year’s Even 2020, you posted a public video on your Facebook page speaking out against COVID-19 guidelines and the associated restrictions. While these actions were taken in another province, your Facebook profile page at the time listed you as the Former President of NHAR, the video was publicly accessible to both Members of the NHAR and the general public, and your involvement with the NHAR was directly referenced in the news article by Pete Fisher in Today’s Northumberland.
Since early January 1, 2021 members of the Board of Directors of NHAR have received a number of phone calls, emails, and other correspondence from Members of the NHAR requesting a response from the NHAR, including your removal as a Director. As such, we are formally asking for your resignation from the NHAR’s Board of Directors. Please see the attached Resignation Form and provide us with a response by Friday, January 15, 2021 at 2 p.m.
Directors serve at the pleasure of the Members of NHAR, so if you are unwilling to voluntarily resign, we will be proceeding with a special meeting of the Northumberland Hills Association of Realtors Board of Directors.”

The letter is signed by the President of the NHAR, Erin Brown along with other Directors.

With the passing of January 15, Today’s Northumberland reached out to both Ledgerwood and Brown for comment.

“The Northumberland Hills Association of Realtors will not be commenting further on this issue,” stated Brown in an e-mail.

Today’s Northumberland reached out to Ledgerwood but she has not replied.

Cobourg Woman Welcomed In New Years with Dozens of Others At Outdoor Party in Vancouver – Today’s Northumberland – Your Source For What’s Happening Locally and Beyond

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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