Cobourg Woman Welcomed In New Years with Dozens of Others At Outdoor Party in Vancouver

In Editor Choice, Local

While other people across Cobourg and the rest of Canada spent mainly a quiet New Year’s Eve, a Cobourg woman partied with dozens of others at a New Year’s Freedom Rally in Vancouver.

Jody Ledgerwood posted a video on Facebook of the event showing what appears to be dozens of people celebrating New Year’s Eve outside the Vancouver Art Gallery in British Columbia.

On her profile Ledgerwood states a former president of the Northumberland Association of Realtors, former Director at Northumberland Players and a local real estate agent.

The event was called the NYE Freedom Rally Dance Party and was held from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. with guest speakers, disc jockey, dancing, kids corner, hot chocolate and more.

Ledgerwood appears at the front of the stage surrounded by people not wearing masks.

“This is how New Year’s should be spent people,” Ledgerwood shouts into the camera while music plays in the background.

“Cheers to a better 2021everybody. Let’s not be afraid of each other. Let’s get out there and start living life.”

Ledgerwood states the party was a anti-lockdown and anti-COVID gathering pleading with people to do their research.

Today’s Northumberland reached out to Ledgerwood for comment, but she declined the interview.

“I do not see that my new year’s activities are locally newsworthy,” she stated.

Today’s Northumberland received two videos of Ledgerwood in British Columbia that she posted from the outdoor New Year’s Eve party.

Since Ledgerwood posted the video she says she has been threatened, sworn at and harassed.

“All they have truly done is proven that our community is divided, discrimination is being applauded and good, kind, caring people are being destroyed because of differing opinions.”

Ledgerwood states several times during the video that it is a “giant crowd” at the celebration.

“Hugs over masks. Choose love over fear. Do your research and live your life.”

“We know what the media is spinning us is lies and fear mongering.”

“My mask is not here – freedom is essential.”

Ledgerwood did ask Today’s Northumberland to include a post from her Facebook on January 3 that stated the following:

“As of December 30, 2020 these are the new numbers for 2020 Covid-19 straight from the Government of Canada’s Public Health Website:

Canada’s Population December 31, 2020 was 37,906,883

Canada Total Cases – 572,982 (1.511% of the population was a positive case)

Canada Total # of People Tested – 13,775,115 (36.339% of the population)

Canada Total Active Cases – 72,927 (0.192% of the population is presently an active case)

Canada Total Deaths – 15,472 (0.040% of our Cdn population has died with Covid and 2.700% of Cdns that tested positive for Covid have died with Covid)

Canada Total Cases Recovered – 484,583 (84.572% of our Covid Cdn Cases have recovered)

Ontario population December 2020 was 14,734,014

Ontario Total Cases – 178,831 (1.213% of our population tested positive)

Ontario Total People Tested – 7,601,237 (51.589% of Ontario had the Covid test)

Ontario Total Active Cases – 20,558 (0.139% of Ontarians are currently an active case)

Ontario Total Deaths – 4,474 (0.030% of Ontarians have died with Covid and 2.501% of the positive cases have died with Covid)

Ontario Total Cases Recovered – 153,799 (86.002% of Ontarians that tested positive have recovered)

There you have it folks…straight from the Government of Canada. People are not dying in mass amounts with Covid and they are not spreading Covid in mass amounts either. So why are we, as generally healthy people, being lockdowned, isolated, ticketed, fined, tasered, refused access, missing family dinners and losing our jobs/income? Why are we being shamed, harassed, threatened and discriminated against? The numbers don’t lie. We need to get back to living life instead of waiting to outrun death. We need to hug eachother instead of hide behind masks. We need to love each other instead of fear each other! And more importantly we need to focus on, strategize, plan and execute on repairing our health care system, long term care system, education system and support our science & medical research facilities! We need to make Canada Great Again! We need to work together as a united team to repair our holes. We need to stop dividing each other. Stop the hate! Stop the fear mongering! Stop the media manipulation and get back to truth, living and loving!”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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