For The Second Time In A Week A Person Facing Charges Originating From Mask Issues and Had To Be Tasered

In Local, Police Blotter

For the second time in a week, a person is facing charges originating from mask issues and had to be Tasered.

On Saturday, December 19, Cobourg Police were dispatched to Staples on Elgin Street for an unwanted person at approximately noon.

While police were responding they received information the person wouldn’t wear a mask and was being verbally abusive towards customers and staff, said Acting Sergeant Damion Cunningham.

Staff at the store allowed the person to purchase the items and he had just left the store as police arrived.

Witnesses to the occurrence stated the man was wearing a Trump 2020 had and was stating how the government is corrupt.

Police advised the man that he was being told to leave the property by management of the store.

The man then became verbally aggressive with the officers.

When officers asked for his identification the man refused. At that point officers just told the man to leave the property.

The man berated the officers once again saying it was a waste of money to send three officers along with using vulgar language towards the officers.

After yelling obscenities at the officers, he finally walked away approximately 20 metres, before turning around and walking back.

Cunningham stated at that time there was a couple walking by the area when the man once again, “yelled at the top of his lungs.”

At that point police attempted to arrest the individual for causing a disturbance and trespassing.

“He resisted and wouldn’t put his hands behind his back,” said Cunningham.

“We kept saying, “stop resisting,” then we transitioned to the ground to execute the arrest.”

The man continued to struggle and was told if he didn’t put his hands behind his back he would be Tasered.

After not complying a Taser was deployed but wasn’t effective.

“So I told him again to stop resisting and put your hands behind your back.”

Once again the man resisted and the Taser was deployed.

At that point the person became “more than cooperative.”

When he was walked to the police cruiser in handcuffs he apologized to the police stating it was a government issue and police shouldn’t have to deal with this type of incident.

While at the hospital waiting to have the Taser probes removed he once again apologized to police.

Cunningham states when a person is directed by police to leave a business for whatever reason – they should.

“It’s not public property and even if it was, if it’s in the public’s interest to remove that party, they are required to leave as directed.”

“Even more so if it’s private property.”

Cunningham states the reason is irrelevant if police are called.

“It could be the most bogus thing. He was wearing red shoes – we don’t want him here, he’s got to leave.”

When the man was asked to leave, he was still on Staples property even though he wasn’t in the store.

Cunningham said people were doing their Christmas shopping and the store even offered to give the man a mask, but he refused.

Cunningham said police are only following the law and they are trying to do what’s best for the safety and protection of everyone.

Whether people agree or disagree with the laws that have been put in place regarding COVID-19, it’s not up for debate.

“If he doesn’t want to wear a mask, he should stay home. There is nothing you’re buying at Staples that is a necessity of life.”

As a result. Mark Hambleton, a 65 year-old-male from the Hamlet of Grafton, was charged with the following offences:

1. Fail to Leave Premises Upon Direction – Contrary to Section 2(1)(b)1(2) of the Trespass to Property Act

2. Cause Disturbance – Contrary to Section 175(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada

3. Assault with Intent to Resist Arrest – Contrary to Section 270(1)(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada

The accused was released on an undertaking and summons with a future court date.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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