Editorial – Community Deserves Timely Responses During A Pandemic

In Editorial, Local

Editorial – In COVID times where communications in paramount a few organizations seemed to have gone AWOL.

Yesterday numerous people contacted Today’s Northumberland concerning Tim Hortons in Colborne being closed.

Today’s Northumberland drove down and verified the store which is located just south of Highway 401 was closed.

A brief note on the door said, “our restaurant is temporarily closed due to the evolving health situation.”

Obviously the words “evolving health situation” causes speculation to anyone who reads it, but it’s missing one key word.

Colborne is a small, tight community. Rumours fly around.

Today’s Northumberland sent off e-mails to Tim Hortons communications department along with the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit last evening between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.

It’s certainly understandable the e-mails weren’t returned on Monday.

But it’s not getting close to the noon on Tuesday and still nothing from either the local health unit or Tim Hortons.

Raising more concerns is a letter from the principal of Northumberland Hills Public School that is posted on the school’s Facebook site and a e-mail sent to parents.

Numerous people are posting on social media why they believe it’s closed.

But after two e-mails to each organization without hearing a peep, people’s anxiety is through the roof.

Communications is paramount with any organization. During a pandemic the importance of communication is compounded ten-fold.

People need to know. And if the health unit or Tim Hortons can’t say for whatever reason – say it.

We totally understand how hard the health unit works. And these times are likely the busiest they’ve even been in their history.

But the public deserves timely answers to obvious questions.

The local health unit has had over 18-hours to communicate with the citizens they serve – where are they?

Colborne deserves better both from the HKPR District Health Unit and Tim Hortons.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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