Breaking News – Possible Case of COVID-19 at CCI

In Editor Choice, Local

Principal of Cobourg Collegiate Institute has issued a statement to parents concerning a possible case of COVID-19 at the high school.

The statement is issued below:

November 23, 2020
Dear CCI Students, Staff and Families,
As always, the well-being of our students and staff is our top priority. With that in mind, we are letting you know that Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit has notified us they are investigating a possible case of COVID-19 at our school. To err on the side of caution, the health unit has decided to take precautions while waiting for the test results.

The person will remain at home until the health unit advises they may return to school. The identity of the individual is protected by privacy legislation and will not be shared.

We are working closely with the HKPR Health Unit to identify anyone at the school who may have been a close contact of the individual to advise them as to any next steps they must take, such as self-isolation, self-monitoring and/or testing. Those individuals will be contacted directly, everyone else can continue to attend school and work as usual.

We appreciate that this news may be concerning for our students, staff and parents.

We want to assure everyone that we continue to work closely with the HKPR Health Unit to respond to this issue, and will follow all their recommendations to help keep students and staff safe.

I can also share with you that our school is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected each day. In addition to our daily pandemic cleaning protocols, which include increased cleaning and disinfecting of high touch surfaces, and thorough cleanings in theevenings, KPR schools are regularly disinfected on a rotating basis with an electro static sprayer. The Clorox Total 360 System is approved for use against the virus that causes CCVID-19; it kills cold and flu viruses, MRSA and norovirus in two minutes or less, kills 99.9% of bacteria in five seconds and can even sanitize soft surfaces. It has been used effectively in schools and other education settings for several years.

Our school will be disinfected by the electro-static sprayer tonight.

To protect yourselves, your children and the community, the health unit recommends that you stay home if you are sick; complete daily self-screening; continue to physically distance from others as much as possible; wear a mask when indoors, on a bus, or when you cannot maintain a two metre distance outside; clean hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer; cough and sneeze into your sleeve; avoid touching your face; avoiding sharing personal items with others; and avoid close contact with anyone who is ill. For more information regarding COVID-19, please visit

We continue to follow all the recommendations of the provincial government and our local public health agencies. If you would like further information on the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board’s COVID-19 protocols, please visit http:/ html

We will continue to let families know of any further developments. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Jamie Patenall

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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