St. Michael’s Cemetery Board Issues Statement Concerning Regulations

In Local

Today’s Northumberland has received numerous inquiries about regulations at St. Michael’s Cemetery in Cobourg.

Signs were erected at the cemetery stating, “all ornaments, trinkets, solar lights and/or candles are not permitted and will be removed by November 2.”

The sign stated it was under the cemetery by-law Section G approved in 2019.

“Thank you for your cooperation St. Michael’s Cemetery Board.”

Numerous people contacted Today’s Northumberland stating how disappointed they were with the decision.

“To say we are devastated about this is an understatement,” said Andrea Bowen.

Her daughter Grace died in March 2015 at the age of nine-years-old and is buried at the cemetery.

“I’m heartbroken and in a panic that I can’t leave things for Grace there.”

Bowen said she simply can’t come to terms with what the Board is doing.

“This is where I leave notes, flowers, painted rocks of how much I miss her. I also decorate for her every holiday, season, birthday, Christmas, Halloween etc.”

Bowen explains when they ordered the headstone, her husband Greg put a flat stone down so they could place items on it and it wouldn’t impede on regular maintenance including grass cutting.

“I can understand broken things and things on the grass when it’s grass cutting season but I don’t understand how hanging things and things on even the stone ledge are a problem.”

Even her daughters friends and teachers leave notes, flowers and cards.

True to their word, all the items in the cemetery were placed on a picnic table for owners to take.

“I like to paint rocks with messages and there were several on the slab and on the ledge. Those are all gone too.”

A statement from the Board of Directors for St. Michael’s Cemetery was sent to Today’s Northumberland stating:

A cemetery is a place of prayer and remembrance for the families and friends of those who have died. The St. Michael’s Cemetery Board recognizes that the loss of a loved one is felt deeply and the Board endeavours to ensure that the cemetery is well maintained to honour the memory of those who have died.

Many people visit the cemetery and leave flowers or other biodegradable objects by the graveside. Sometimes items are left, which while they hold great sentimental value, they pose a hazard in some way – environmental, flammable, sharp, etc.

The Cemetery Board has a by-law concerning items left at the grave. This by-law reflects the practices at most cemeteries, and it aligns with the Bereavement Authority of Ontario. The by-law states “that in order to assist interment right holders, the following items are prohibited within the cemetery: articles made of hazardous materials such as non-heat resistant glass, ceramics , corrosive metals, loose stones or sharp objects , trellis or arches, chairs or benches.” This by-law has been in place for more than 10 years.

It is the intent of the Cemetery Board to maintain a safe environment for those who visit and those who work at the cemetery. Items left at the gravesite which did not follow the by-law have been carefully collected and are available for pick-up. Any items not picked up will be stored and kept until the bereaved can retrieve them.

If there are concerns regarding this by-law or how it applies to individual circumstances, please contact the Cemetery Board directly. The Board strives to bring comfort and resolution to matters of concern.

St. Michael’s Cemetery Board can reached via email:

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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