COVID-19 Changes Giving Tree Structure

In Community, Local, Upcoming Events

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland

Though the needs in our community at this holiday time have not changed, COVID-19 has forced the way people and organizations must respond to it.

While supporting the Giving Tree is a beloved and long-standing way for shoppers at Northumberland Mall to make a difference for the youngest members of the community, it is not possible this year for this program to operate in the same way. Instead, these volunteers will work directly with the Salvation Army to assist in setting donated toys up ahead of time and help facilitate their distribution from the Salvation Army centres.

The Salvation Army has agreed to distribute toys with the support of the Giving Tree, with toys and gift cards accepted at the Salvation Army Church at 59 Ballantine St., Cobourg, and also at the Salvation Army Centre at 100 Peter St., Port Hope.

The hope is to have a toy or gift card for every child who needs them. Toys will be given to children up to 11 years of age, with gift cards going to young people aged 12 to 18.

Donors are asked to donate toys or purchase gift cards in $20 denominations – some frequently requested gift cards include Giant Tiger, Spark Smart Toys, Hart, Canadian Tire, Sport Chek, Walmart, EB Games, Winners, Tim Hortons and Subway.

Most-needed toys include sports balls, remote trucks and cars, dolls, books, games, puzzles, Lego, Duplo blocks, art supplies, craft materials and many more.

The deadline to make your donation is Dec. 10.

Donations can be dropped off at the church on Ballantine Street Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Toys can also be dropped off at the Port Hope fire hall on Ontario Street. Donors may call 905-375-7682 if they need more information about toy and gift-card donations.

“We appreciate the generosity of the community every year at Christmas and thank you for helping us make Christmas a little more special this year for our children,” the announcement said.

The press release included other locations that will be receiving donations and offering Christmas assistance.

Grafton St. Vincent de Paul (for monetary donations or toys) – 905-377-3263

Colborne Legion (monetary donations) – 905-355-5479

Campbellford’s St. John’s United Church (monetary donations or gift cards) – 905-653-2283 (or visit Celebrate, Care, Learn – Help Campbellford)

Brighton’s Christmas Hampers and Angel Tree (monetary donations or toys) – 613-475-2444 (Evangel Pentecostal Church)

Warkworth’s Seven Hills Community Pantry (monetary donations) – 705-924-2077 (also, toys at Remedies Rx Pharmacy)

Hasting and Roseneath Food Bank – 705-696-2295 (monetary donations at Captain’s Table Restaurant).

Also in Port Hope, the fire department will be collecting toys at Dreamer’s Cafe, or make use of the porch drop-off at 76 Ward St.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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