Editorial – Games Continue Along The Ganny in Port Hope

In Editorial, Local

Editorial – Port Hope may have closed off municipal property to prevent anglers from salmon fishing but there is no shortage of entertainment along the river.

On Sunday, September 27, 2020 after several people contacted Today’s Northumberland we ventured over to Corbett’s dam in Port Hope just south of the Highway 401 overpass.

It has always been a popular spot for viewing fish in the river and jumping.

With the parking spot condoned off with fence and cement barriers, most would think that would be enough to deter people from entering the area.

The signs also should be a strong indication that access is prohibited.

Whether it is right the municipal lands and GRCA area is closed for access is irrelevant.

The point is – they are.

If everyone can’t enjoy it – why should only a select few that ignore the rules.

If they are clearly upset about the matter – take it up with Port Hope Council.

But police are stuck in the middle. And this weekend, mostly because of the beautiful Fall weather, there were many people in Port Hope trying to view the salmon run.

With the duties of policing, being called to the Ganaraska River because people disregard or disrespect the signs must be very frustrating.

But they have come up with an ingenious way to disperse the crowds quicker that an illegal car event that’s becoming popular among young adults.

With a blast of the siren as they were approaching the people scattered. They came running up the stairs of Corbett’s dam and darted for freedom as fast as they could.

Once they made it under the rope it was like they’d made it over the Berlin Wall – freedom.

But even as a police officer was dealing with one person that went into a prohibited area – the fun didn’t stop.

With a police cruiser at the entrance, with fencing, with signs, with rope, roping off the area, two people walked right by everything into the cordoned off area within metres of a police officer.

Then another.

It was for lack of a better word – unbelievable and humourous.

Police are doing their best, but when people blatantly disregard the rules – there is a problem.

Are we becoming that type of society? So it seems.

With the numbers of people disobeying the rules at Corbett’s dam this Sunday it clearly wasn’t a “one-off.”

Even though the entrance is blocked off with fencing and cement barricades, just a few feet beyond it, there have been so many people going under the rope that a path has been created.

There was even a bit of entertainment downtown.

One angler paddled up the river in a kayak had the entire river to fish by the library.

But when he got one, it initially looked like he was going to release it, but after trying to revive it in the water – it was no use and he cut up the salmon in filets.

A few people on the bridge were clearly disgusted the angler couldn’t respect the decision by Council.

Sylvan Glen Conservation Area just north of Dale Road in the Municipality of Port Hope seemed to be the hot spot for anglers and fish.

As they day went on, more anglers descended on the area.

The Ganaraska Region Conservation Area has closed Sylvan Glen, but it’s undetermined if anglers can or can’t be in the river fishing.

Checking in with police, there were several tickets handed out over the weekend and numerous other warnings.

Just another day of frustration and humour in the Municipality of Port Hope with police having to babysit people who clearly disregard the rules while anglers look for ways to fish at one of Ontario’s most popular rivers.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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