Former Belleville Nurse Charged for Unauthorized Use of Health Information

In Police Blotter

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Health Fraud Investigation Unit has charged a Belleville Ontario former nurse following an investigation into unauthorized use of personal health information.

Members of the Health Fraud Investigation Unit believe that a hospital nurse in the Belleville area accessed personal health information unlawfully while on duty over a six month period in 2018.

This was first uncovered by the nurse’s employer who conducted an audit of apparent breaches under the Personal Health Information Protection Act and ultimately the OPP Health Fraud Investigation Unit was called to investigate.

Police have charged Kimberley Ann Hokkanen, age 59, of Centre Hastings, with 69 counts of Use personal health information, contrary to section 72(1)(a) of the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). The offences allegedly took place between February 17, 2018 and September 12, 2018.

The defendant has been summoned to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Belleville on September 3, 2020.


• The OPP Health Fraud Investigation Unit investigates criminal and provincial offences relating to the delivery of publicly funded health care services in Ontario including privacy breaches, frauds and offences against health care related provincial statutes such as the Health Insurance Act and the Ontario Drug Benefit Act.

• Personal health information includes identifying information about an individual relating to their physical or mental health.

• It is an offence to willfully collect, use, or disclose personal health information in oral or written form for any purpose without lawful authority as defined in PHIPA.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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