Editorial – Victoria Beach Should Be Open – But To What Degree

In Editorial

By the looks of the lakeshore in Cobourg on Saturday, it’s inevitable that the beach will open this summer.

Everywhere you looked, people seemed to be enjoying the shoreline.

While staff from the Rent-All Centre were removing the perimeter fence from the Victoria Park Campground at times they had to move around people bicycling through the area, while others were having a picnic on the tables, or even tents that were set up.

The fence was set-up in the early stages of COVID in the Province. The campground was to be used as a Relief Base Camp for first responders and frontline medical staff who may have had contact with someone who had COVID. It was a quarantine camp that was never utilized.

Along the east pier, a number of people who didn’t realize the beach was closed took a stroll enjoying the summer heat. One person stated they came to Cobourg because they checked online with the Province and read that all beaches were open.

Checking license plates in the marina parking lot, there were a number of people from out of province including Quebec and Alberta.

Three fishing boats from Quebec came into the harbour late in the afternoon on Saturday with their catch of the day.

A place locals don’t usually go to relax and lay in the sun had a number of visitors.

The area of sand just west of the boat launch had approximately 30 people sunbathing. People also seemed to be enjoying the chilly waters of Lake Ontario along with at least one dog.

People from the area don’t usually attend the area as its known for its large bird population of geese and ducks that congregate and leave their “presents” in the sand.

Speaking to two people, they oblivious there was another beach just to the west of the boat compound which was a stones throw away.

This is the perfect time for council to get it right. COVID-19 is a work in progress for every level of government.

It’s something new that every level is trying their best with. Criticism is something everyone does at one point or another. But with COVID times, it’s a new world which brings new challenges.

Armchair quarterbacks abound in these times. Keyboard warriors with all the answers.

With the fence already up around Victoria Beach it would seem the perfect time to try ideas that people have brought up long before COVID.

Setting limits on the number of people who can attend the beach while keeping a safe distance from others.

Charging outsiders for attending?

All options are on the table.  The fence doesn’t need to be completely removed.  Work with what we have to experiment for now and the future.

Today’s Northumberland believes it’s a safe bet in some regard the beach will be open in the coming weeks. Whether it’s right or wrong is up for debate.

Downtown Cobourg had more people on Saturday than any other time during COVID.

People are going to visit Cobourg no matter what happens. It’s happening now. So it’s about setting the standard for our safety and the safety of others who visit.

Council will have to make a tough decision on Monday.

Will the beach be open for a free-for-all this summer, or can we set limits.

These are challenging times for everyone including council.

Any decision will likely be met with agreement and disdain.

Just try and remember, like everyone going through these days, council is also doing their best in these times – and were voted in by us.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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