Port Hope Police – Bear Sightings Reported

In Local

On the 26th of April Port Hope Police received two complaints of a bear being seen in the urban Municipality.

At 6:30 am a reported was received that a bear was wondering in the Caroline and Ontario Street and shortly after 9:00 pm in the Cumberland Street area.

Sightings of the bear were recorded on social media in the Highland Dr area north of the High school.

In each case when Police officers arrived on scene the bear could not be observed.

Port Hope Police are advising citizens to be aware of this issue when out walking and or exercising their pets.

There have been four reported complaints to Port Hope Police since late March in the Croft Street and Elgin Street areas and Eldorado Place now Caroline and Ontario Streets and Cumberland Street and Highland Drive.

The below link is a government web site on bear encounters and safety.

The Ministry has been contacted.



Bear Sighting A Little To Close For Comfort For One Port Hope Resident

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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