Municipality of Port Hope COVID-19 Update #10: Municipal Projects and Maintenance Activities

In City Hall

The Municipality has been closely monitoring Provincial Orders that have been issued under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act as they relate to our proposed municipal construction and maintenance work. The Ontario government has recently expanded the list of nonessential workplaces with the introduction of Ontario Regulation 119/20: Order under Subsection 7.0.2(4) – Closure of Places of Non-Essential Businesses, which was made legal on April 3, 2020.

In response to the sweeping closures and cancellations issued by the Province, the Municipality has postponed work on a number of non-essential municipal projects until further notice. These include:

• Splash Pad

• Bandshell maintenance

• Kinsmen Gazebo

• Cenotaph Revitalization project in Memorial Park

“Our staff have reviewed the list of projects for 2020 and postponed those that are not considered vital to move forward at this time,” notes Bob Sanderson, Mayor of the Municipality of Port Hope. “While it is not ideal to delay construction work, it is the right decision. Work will resume on these projects as soon as reasonably possible once the Provincial emergency declaration has been lifted.”

It is important to note that construction projects and services are still considered essential if they are required to ensure safe and reliable operations of, or to provide new capacity in, critical provincial infrastructure; including transit, transportation, energy, and justice sectors beyond the day-to-day maintenance.

As such, there are several municipal projects that are identified in the 2020 budget that will continue, with extra precautions in place, per the guidelines outlined by the Province. These projects include:

• Port Britain bridge repairs

• Annual rural road resurfacing

• Lakeshore Road reconstruction

• Pemberton Road extension

• Town Hall roof replacement (to mitigate ongoing leak concerns)

Many staff members within the Works and Engineering Department will be resuming much of their regular work functions in the coming weeks. In order to maintain the health and wellbeing of our staff, administration is considering altered shifts as well as staggered start times, break schedules, and departure times. In keeping with the guidelines from the Province, staff will ensure that all measures are taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, in compliance with requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Building permits and inspections At this time, Building Permits are not being issued while the Provincial Emergency Order is in place, unless it falls under one of the exceptions listed in the Order. Once the emergency declaration has been lifted, applications will be reviewed, and the approved permits will be issued.

Staff in the Building Services division are still accepting permit applications, drawings, associated paperwork, and payments. Those interested in filing an application may contact 905-885-2431 ext. 2500. A staff member will respond with details and instructions on how to file the necessary paperwork at this time.

Building Inspectors are monitoring their email and office/cell phones regularly. Inspections are being carried out in unoccupied buildings where the required physical distancing is being maintained, and Inspectors feel safe to do so. Inspections for open permits are not taking place in occupied homes at this time.

Municipal Maintenance Over the next few weeks, outdoor maintenance will begin in various municipal public spaces, with extra precautions and physical distancing practices in place. Maintenance will include:

• grass cutting and maintenance on all municipal properties

• flower bed preparations in parks and at municipal facilities

• initial preparations of sports fields

• garbage collection in downtown area

The municipal seasonal/summer staff compliment within the department of Parks, Recreation and Culture has been reduced from 14 to five and some full-time staff will assist with the summer grounds maintenance. With a reduced staff compliment, social distancing will be maintained, and staff will not share municipal vehicles.

Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) Project Per their media release issued on March 18, 2020, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) Port Hope’s head office located at 25 Henderson Street is closed to the public. Property owners, business partners, realtors and the general public are encouraged to connect via email at or by phone at 905-885-0291.
All PHAI preparatory, excavation and construction activities remain suspended until further notice and operations related to water management and site security, which are essential services, will continue where required at PHAI sites. In keeping with federal and provincial guidelines, CNL staff are continuing to work to progress PHAI project planning and design work where these activities can be performed remotely, but all in-person meetings with contractors, property owners, and members of the public are suspended.

Residents are encouraged to visit for up-to-date information.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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