Update – Cobourg Mother Concerned About Information Being Released by Northumberland Hills Hospital on COVID-19 Precautions

In Editor Choice, Local

Response from Jennifer Gillard, Senior Directior, Public Affairs and Strategic Partnerships at Northumberland Hills Hospital

“There is presently a discrepancy between federal and provincial guidance on self isolation (vs self monitoring) after international travel. We expect it to be cleared up soon. We recommend the patient follow her physician’s advice. Below is the info we have on nhh.ca right now, and it is currently accurate to the best of our knowledge. We continue to update our site as new info is received.”


A Cobourg woman is concerned about information regarding COVID-19 after her two daughters were told not to self isolate from Northumberland Hills Hospital after returning from Florida.

The woman said her two teenaged daughters and her ex-husband drove to Florida, and on Friday were at Walt Disney World for the day.

Because of concerns with the COVID-19, schools shutting down, public gatherings and more, they decided to drive back home to Cobourg on Saturday.

While in Florida, the father phoned his work and it was confirmed since he travelled to the United States that he must self isolate for a period of 14-days.

Both parents were under the impression their daughters would also be told they must self isolate for a period of 14-days.

“He was hoping just like I was, they would get correct advice.”

But after phoning the NHH COVID-19 Assessment Centre (905-377-7783) they were told otherwise.

The NHH COVID-19 Assessment Centre asked if they were around anyone that had any symptoms, and they stated, “no” and they were also asked if they had any symptoms and they said, “no.”

“Because they can’t confirm they were around anybody that they can confirm was sick and they don’t have symptoms yet, the advice they received was to self monitor, but they can go out into the community.”

“The person went back to the information given to my kids that they could go back out into the community – they just had to self monitor.”

As a mother and someone who has professional knowledge in microbiology, the woman said she’s very concerned.

“I’m upset for a number of reasons. Number one, I hope my daughters aren’t sick and don’t have it. But I’m also concerned about the general community, because if that’s the advice my daughters were given, how many other people have been advised of this?”

“I think it’s strange advice.”

On Northumberland Hills Hosptial’s website concerning COVID-19, and frequently asked questions it states:
“The Government of Canada has (as of March 13, 2020) warned against all international travel. All travellers arriving in Canada from international points are now being asked to self-isolate for 14 days as a precaution. For the latest information for Ontario residents see the Ontario COVID website. It is believed that it can take up to 14 days for symptoms to appear after exposure to COVID-19. Self-monitor for symptoms and follow the directions above if you develop symptoms or if you have concerns.”

And under the Government of Canada site concerning Pandemic COVID-19 it states:
Upon return to Canada:Self-isolate for 14 days after your return from travel outside of Canada. Some provinces and territories may have specific recommendations for certain groups such as health care workers.
Monitor your health for fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
Wash your hands often for 20 seconds and cover your mouth and nose with your arm when coughing or sneezing.
If you develop a fever, cough or difficulty breathing within 14 days:
Continue to isolate yourself from others
Immediately call a health care professional or public health authority and:
describe your symptoms and travel history
follow their instructions carefully

The woman states, “it’s my own kids, but I’d rather be safe then sorry. I’d rather not be around my own kids for 14-days then risk contracting it and spreading it to other people.”

Today’s Northumberland has reached out to Northumberland Hills Hospital and will provide an update as soon as they respond.


Below is the e-mail sent to Northumberland Hills Hospital

My daughters are returning from Walt Disney World in Florida with their father. According to your website and the Government of Canada website, it states to self isolate for 14 days. They have been advised by Dr. (name removed) that they do not need to self isolate, only self monitor. Please provide clarification on this matter. People can spread the virus before developing any symptoms which is why the self isolation recommendation was made by the Government of Canada and health organizations. I do not feel that the advice given by a member of your staff coincides with the published information on the hospital and government websites.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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