OPP – Enforcement to Resolve Protest Activity in Ontario

In Police Blotter

(SMITHS FALLS, ON) – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has taken action to resolve protest activity and remove the barriers to rail service in and near Tyendinaga Township.

Since Thursday, February 6, OPP members have been meeting regularly and communicating with various representatives of the people protesting in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en peoples of British Columbia.

Following its court-endorsed Framework for Police Preparedness for I ndigenous Critical Incidents, the OPP Provincial Liaison Team has engaged in significant collaborative and respectful dialogue aimed at bringing about a peaceful resolution while ensuring everyone’s safety and preserving their respective rights guaranteed by Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. To date, there had been no arrests made and no one has been injured.

We have remained respectful of the ongoing dialogue, including issues of sovereignty between our Indigenous communities and various federal ministers, and have hoped for productive communication leading to a peaceful resolution. The OPP notes the broader societal impacts of this extended protest have correspondingly increased risks to public safety closer to the protest sites. Unfortunately, all avenues to successfully negotiate a peaceful resolution have been exhausted and a valid court injunction remains in effect.

The OPP has a legal responsibility to enforce the injunction and began doing so this morning. The OPP has called upon all those involved to abide by the injunction and leave the area and to not put public peace or anyone’s safety in jeopardy. All people are being encouraged to leave the demonstration site peacefully. Enforcement of the injunction may include arrest of those who choose not to comply, however, use of force remains a last resort.

The OPP will continue to follow and engage in communication while enforcing the injunction. Open communication, a reasoned and tempered approach, and proper use of police discretion guides the OPP’s response to this and other major events.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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