Handbags For Hospice a Hit!

In Community

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
The first-ever Handbags For Hopsice fundraiser in support of Ed’s House was a giant success on two counts.

One, the fundraiser for the hospice facility now under construction in Hamilton Township sold out well in advance of the January 23 date.

Two, it brought in proceeds of $87,000 as well as a $35,000 pledge.

Community Care Northumberland has issued a press release with all the details of the amazing event held at the Best Western Plus Cobourg Inn and Convention Centre that offered a wide variety of handbags, experiences and jewelry up for bids.

Special events committee chair Nancy Oliver said they had set a goal of the evening for $25,000 – which would be sufficient to furnish a resident’s room at Ed’s House.

“With the outstanding support we received from our sponsors, attendees and donors for this event, we are able to furnish three resident rooms at the new hospice,” Oliver said.

It was Mitzify Canada Group Inc. chief executive officer Mitzi Faigal – who donated 25 handbags for the event – who wowed the crowd with that $35,000 pledge.

Community Care Northumberland executive director Trish Baird expressed thanks to all the support for the event, as well as for Faigal’s extraordinary pledge – which, she pointed out, is on top of the evening’s $87,000 proceeds.

“My thanks go out to all our sponsors, donors and attendees for their generous support of Ed’s House, and the special events committee – Nancy Oliver, Jennifer Darrell, Wendy Ito, Nancy Kennedy, Pam Buttery, Jaclyn West and Lynda Kay – for all their efforts in planning this very special evening,” Baird stated.

She also supplied a list of sponsors for the evening, which (in addition to Mitzify) included Jacqueline Pennington, Remax Hallmark, Lynn Hardy, Kenneth Bell, Tony Pulla, Remax Lakeshore Realty Inc., Acme Electric, SMM Law, Westjet, Quantrill’s, Stadkey Plumbing and Heating, CIBC, Spoolon, Langhorne, Irwin and Coleman, Via Rail, Erin Brown and Susan Hull of Royal Service, Empire crossing, Kristin Devereaux Royal LePage, RBC, Palisade Gardens, Bakertilley, Gordon Insurance, Karen Chalovich, BMO Wealth Management, BMO Nesbitt Burns and Holton Flowers.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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