Breaking News – Northumberland-Peterborough South MPP “Shocked” At Closure of Weston Foods In Cobourg

In Editor Choice, Local

The Member of Provincial Parliament said he, “stands shoulder to shoulder” with employs from Weston Foods who were told the Cobourg plant will cease operations as of June 2020.

Approximately 180 employees were told on Monday, January 13, 2020 that the 89,000 square foot facility will stop operation in June.
“My heart breaks for the families and I’m deeply disappointed,” said Northumberland-Peterborough South MPP David Piccini speaking to Today’s Northumberland.

Some of the workers have been at the facility since it started approximately 25-years ago.

Piccini first heard about the news from Today’s Northumberland.

“I was shocked.”

“It’s disappointing for the whole community to learn that Weston’s has issued notices to their employees. I immediately acted and we’re working with the company. I reached out to them today and the Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills and Development on how to support the workers.”

“It took me off guard because over the last few months we’ve seen such good news. We’ve saw growth in the industrial park in Port Hope in part to provincial investment. We saw OPG relocate headquarters to our region attracting new jobs. We saw Weetabix increase production by 30%. Across the board things have looked better since a number of measures have been taken by the government.”

“What’s even more surprising for me is just seeing in context to the overall growth in the Province. We’ve seen 296,000 new jobs since forming government. A total of 75% of the jobs created in Canada have been created in Ontario.”

“But still, that does nothing to ease or lighten my concern with this closure and the impact it’s going to have on local families.”

Piccini is looking for answers on why the company decided to pull the plug in the Cobourg operation.

“I’d love to know the rational. My sense is this is something they’ve been planning for awhile.” “You just don’t do this overnight, but I’d like to know answers and I know our community wants answers.”

Piccini said he got a “courtesy e-mail” from Weston’s legal counsel today about the closure.. He’s put forward a request to speak to the leadership of the business to discuss what can be done for the employees.

Piccini said he wants to hear from any employees to try and find ways to help them.

“We’re working with the company and the Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills and Development on supporting the workers. I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the employees and their families.”

“This is an incredibly difficult time for our community. I was really shocked to see that today.”

“It’s not going to change my resolute focus on supporting those families and ensuring those workers who have been laid off receive the training and services they need to find and keep good jobs.

Breaking News – Weston Foods In Cobourg Is Closing Putting 180 People Out of Work

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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