Cape Rescue Crew Trains With Members From CFB Trenton On Lake Ontario

In Editor Choice, Local

The crew of the Canadian Coast Guard cutter Cape Rescue were out training with members of 426 Squadron on Lake Ontario recently.

On July 23, 2019, members of the 426 Transport Training Squadron were using a C-130 Hercules aircraft which is part of the Thunder Training Squadron during the exercise with three SARTECS approximately four miles south of Cobourg.

Coast Guard Captain Liam Pigott said the 47-foot Coast Guard vessel was simulating a boat in distress.

During the exercise two pumps were dropped in cannisters with parachutes.

Along with the pumps, SRK’s (Sea Rescue Kit) were dropped from a parachute. Inside the SRK is a life-raft and other survival equipment.

Piggott said there is a sequence of passes overlooking the vessel in distress before the equipment was dropped from the back of the Hercules aircraft.

The aircraft gets the wind information, then they drop smoke markers in the water which creates a visual reference to line up for the equipment drop.

The smoke markers are supposed to sink, but sometimes they do wash up on shore. Piggott advises people to not touch them and call police. There can be a small risk of re-ignition.

When the equipment is dropped from the aircraft, the idea is the vessel and the floating 600-foot line drift into each other so the person on the vessel in distress can pull the equipment in to the boat.

In the case of the pump, they can open up the cannister and a gas driven de-watering pump with instructions to operate.

After the equipment was dropped from the aircraft and picked up by the Cape Rescue, three SARTECS parachuted from 3,000 feet, landing softly in the water.

“It’s great train for both of us to train together,” said Piggott after the exercise was completed.

During any exercise communication between the aircraft and vessel is paramount.

“It’s great for different agencies to train together. On real search and rescue missions when we have the de-brief, communications is the top topic. So it’s a great time to rehearse during an exercise like this.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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