RSVP now for Gloria Payne Seniors’ Picnic and Info/Health Fair

In Upcoming Events

Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
This year marks Ontario’s 35th annual Seniors’ Month, and Community Care Northumberland is celebrating June 7 with its annual Gloria Payne Seniors’ Picnic and Info/Health Fair at the Port Hope Lions’ Centre.
The event runs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in a trade-show format, with local service providers offering information on a variety or programs available to local seniors.
Community Care, of course, will have a booth of its own with staff members available to answer questions about the services it offers throughout the county and how to access them. That list would include the Community Diners program, friendly visiting and telephone security checks, a range of hospice services, Home Help and Maintenance programs, various wellness programs for seniors, supports for caregivers, Home At Last, and transportation services that include rural and accessible options.
Lunch is served at noon, free to seniors who live in Port Hope.
“This picnic is a wonderful opportunity for CCN to celebrate seniors and their contributions to the vibrancy of our community,” Community Care executive director Trish Baird said in the announcement.
“Our thanks go out to the many seniors who serve as leaders, mentors, volunteers and active members of our community. This event is aimed at appreciating those gifts.”
Admission is free to seniors – though space is limited, so organizers would appreciate anyone interested reserving their spot in advance by contacting the Port Hope office – call 905-885-9860 or reserve in person at 151 Rose Glen Rd., Suite B – no later than May 28.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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