Same Suspect May Be Involved In Similar Incident In Cobourg – But Where Are Police?

In Editor Choice, Local

A suspect arrested in a incident on Monday, April 15 in downtown Cobourg, may have been involved in a theft just hours later at another downtown business.

Cobourg Police were called about the incident, but staff say they never showed up.
Less than 24-hours later, the same suspect was arrested for a similar incident at Canadian Tire.
At 10:37 a.m. on Monday Cobourg Police were dispatched to a downtown clothing business for a theft of clothing. Today’s Northumberland has learned the suspect was wearing numerous items of clothing when he was subdued by a person and held for police.
The 29-year-old suspect was charged with theft under $5,000, possession of property obtained by crime and two counts of fail to comply with a probation order.
He was released on a promise to appear and officer in charge undertaking.

On Tuesday, April 16, at 8:02 a.m. Cobourg Police were dispatched to Canadian Tire regarding two males trying to purchase items with a credit card, the clerk believed did not believe belonged to either individual.
Police located the two men and charged them with fraud, and possession of property obtained by crime.
The 29 years old suspect and a 45-years-old suspect from Cobourg are charged with multiple counts of property crime charges said police in a press release. Both were held for a bail hearing.

But Today’s Northumberland has learned of a incident on Monday where it’s believed the same 29-year-old suspect on Monday’s incident in Cobourg was involved at an incident at a downtown business where Cobourg Police were called, but no one attended.

Three witnesses involved in Monday morning’s incident in Cobourg have identified the individual as the one just a few hours earlier.

In the video obtained by Today’s Northumberland, it shows a person wearing a very similar jacket as the one worn a few hours earlier.

The suspect can be seen trying on a vest along with other items before trying to leave the store at approximately 1 p.m.

A clerk at the store was called by staff into an area of the main store because of a suspicious person.
“I witnessed him literally putting clothes upon clothes on himself. Taking his jacket off, putting clothes on, zipping his jacket up over them.”
The clerk said the suspect concealed jeans, a vest and shoes before leaving the store.
“As he was going toward the front door, I said, “are you going to pay for the stuff you have on?”
But the person kept walking out the front entrance of the store.
“I said, “we know who you are, we’re calling the police,” and he said, “go ahead and call them.”

The clerk immediately called police on the non-emergency number and was put through to communications in Owen Sound who took all her information.

She said the dispatcher stated there was a second caller following the suspect north on Division Street.
By 5 p.m. on Tuesday, more than 24-hours after the incident the clerk said she has not received a call from Cobourg Police concerning the incident.
“It’s unfortunate, but that’s how it goes usually.”

Staff have gone through security video and have downloaded it for police, but staff say no one from the Cobourg Police Service has called or responded to the incident.
Unfortunately she said calls it happens “often” when they don’t return calls or show up to the business.
“It’s really unfortunate the lack of response,” said a supervisor.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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