MPP Piccini Challenges Mayors, Chiefs and Residents to BeADonor

In Provincial

Press Release

39 people in Northumberland-Peterborough South are currently on the waitlist for a transplant
On April 2, 2019, MPP David Piccini led the charge for organ and tissue donation at Queen’s Park issuing a challenge to local mayors and residents to register consent. April is BeADonor Month; a month in which all Ontarians are encouraged to show their support for organ and tissue donation by registering.
MPP Piccini was joined by President and CEO, Ronnie Gavsie from Trillium Gift of Life Network, a patient focused agency of the Government of Ontario that is responsible for saving thousands of lives across the province each year through organ and tissue donation and transplantation.
Today in Ontario, there are over 1,600 women, men and children waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, and sadly every three days, someone dies because there are not enough organs to meet the need. In the riding of Northumberland Peterborough–South there are 39 people currently on the waitlist.
“I am issuing a challenge to Mayors, Chiefs and residents in each community to join me in raising awareness and registration for organ and tissue donation,” said David Piccini, MPP for Northumberland–Peterborough South. “While the rate in our riding is over the provincial average, I believe we can challenge ourselves as a community to do more.”
Research shows that more than 85% of Ontarians are in favour of organ donation. However, only 33% of Ontarians have registered their consent to donate. In the riding of Northumberland Peterborough-South, our registration rate is over 40%, which is higher than the provincial rate.
“Last BeADonor Month, as a result of the Logan Boulet Effect, Ontario experienced a 40 per cent increase in donor registrations over April 2017,” said Ronnie Gavsie, President and CEO, Trillium Gift of Life Network. “This year we do not want a tragedy. Rather, with the help from government officials, like MPP Piccini, we are working to maintain this momentum, and give hope to those on the waitlist. There is no better time to register than during BeADonor Month. Visit to register or learn more.”
To assist in increasing our registration rate MPP Piccini has created a registration page at Through this link, we can track the number of registrants during BeADonor Month.


Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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