Cobourg Police Service Announce New Collision Reporting Centre

In Local

The Cobourg Police Service is proud to invite the public and media to a media event at the
Cobourg Police Station, 107 King Street West, on Wednesday February 6th, 2019 at 1PM.

Chief Kai Liu will announce the next stage in our partnership with Accident Support Services International Ltd. (ASSI), on the implementation of our Collision Reporting Centre located at the Cobourg Police Service Customer Service Centre.

The Collision Reporting Centre will provide a service to the public within the context of community policing, and build upon the Cobourg Police Service’s model of “Tiered Policing”. Police Services are not immune to the pressures facing everyone else in delivering cost effective, yet efficient services. In order to free our resources to deal with emergency and serious incidents, it is necessary for the public to assist us by attending the station and completing reports.

In most instances, where an insurance claim is a factor, there are substantial delays in having such claims processed by the insurer. Reporting Centres, because of their affiliation with the insurance industry, have had considerable success in reducing the average number of days required in the preliminary handling of collision claims. Our Special Constables will provide information and assistance to claimants, and the digital photographs that are taken during investigations will be helpful in settling claims without acrimonious arguments about the extent of the damage.

The Cobourg Police Service Collision Reporting Centre will provide enhanced value to the public in the reporting of motor vehicle collisions. The self-reporting and one-on-one interview process will simplify reporting, and add value to our customer service.

Police and Insurers will now have real-time access to collision data and reports through ASSI’s Microsoft award winning Collision Reporting & Occurrence Management System (CROMS).

The community should know that police will continue to investigate collisions, at the scene, that involve injuries, suspected criminal activities, severe damage (vehicle is not drivable or requires a tow truck), or where hazardous goods or conditions are involved. Officers will continue to investigate, as well, when parties are unwilling to exchange information and/or disputes arise between involved parties, or when unknown circumstances are involved or there is damage to private property.
All collision data that is captured can be used for analysis, and focused policing initiatives. Citizens will have the convenience of a safe, convenient and comfortable location, where they can attend to complete their report.

The Cobourg Police Service Collision Reporting Centre is located at 107 King Street West in the Town of Cobourg at the Cobourg Police Station. Vehicles will be directed to park in the assigned Collision Reporting Centre parking along the east side of Hibernia Street.

Upon arrival at the centre, citizens are greeted by a member of Cobourg Police Services’ staff, including a Special Constable who provides help to complete the police report, applies the “Damage Reported to Police” sticker, photographs the damage to the vehicle, and offers the customer the opportunity to contact family, broker or insurance company directly from the Centre. The citizen is provided with a one-stop service opportunity for all their reporting needs.

The goal of the Cobourg Police Service is to facilitate an active partnership between ASSI and insurers, in post-accident care, by providing knowledgeable advice and assistance to accident victims with empathy, integrity and availability. This results in increased conveniences for the public as well as greater road safety.

“The new Collision Reporting Centre will employ the trained skills of our Special Constables to provide timely collision investigation, ease of reporting and processing insurance claims and critical analysis that will be used to focus police resources to enhance road safety” said Chief of Police Kai Liu.

For more information please visit

Questions concerning the Collision Reporting Centre may be directed to:
Special Constable Jacob Spicer ( or 905-372-6821) or
Staff Sergeant Scott Bambridge ( or 905-372-6821 ext. 2203)

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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