Premier Ford Applauded for Cutting Red Tape

In Provincial

Premier Doug Ford became Ontario’s first Premier to receive the Golden Scissors Award from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB).

This follows yesterday’s announcement that the Ontario Government was awarded an A- grade by CFIB, up from C+ last year. This is a result of the significant action it has taken to cut red tape and reduce barriers to business growth.

“Since day one, my government has made it a priority to cut the job-killing and burdensome regulations that are driving businesses and investment opportunities out of the province,” said Ford. “I am proud that CFIB recognizes the progress we’ve made so far to make Ontario open for business and open for jobs by awarding our government with an A-, the highest grade the province has received in the history of the honour.”

Ontario’s A- grade is particularly significant because the former government’s C+ grade in 2018 was the province’s lowest rating since 2011. Ontario’s much-improved rating is the highest awarded to the province since the creation of the honour, and in part is due to the Making Ontario Open for Business Act and the proposed Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, which remove obstacles to investment, growth and job creation in more than a dozen sectors. Ontario has also set a target to reduce regulatory red tape affecting businesses by 25 per cent.

“It is such an honour to receive the Golden Scissors Award,” said Ford. “My government promised to make it easier to do business in Ontario and we are keeping that promise. We’re getting out of the way of our job creators, lowering business costs and sending a clear message to the world that Ontario is open for business. We’ll keep working every day to make it easier to do business here — because that’s the best way to create and protect good jobs in Ontario.”

Quick Facts
The CFIB is a non-profit organization representing and advocating for the interests and concerns of more than 110,000 Canadian owners of small and mid-sized businesses.
The Golden Scissors Award is given out annually and recognizes politicians, public servants or other Canadians who have demonstrated leadership in cutting red tape and producing positive results for small and mid-sized businesses.
Businesses in Ontario currently face the highest cost to comply with regulations of any province — at $33,000 per company. That’s much higher than the $25,000 to $27,000 range in most other provinces.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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