Officer Owen On Patrol In Port Hope

In Editorial, Photo Gallery

He had the word HERO on his license plate, but he was more than that tonight.
13-year-old Owen Orr has a progressive genetic disorder and for Halloween night he was an officer on patrol thanks to his mother, Sarah Orr who worked for weeks on his outfit and Constable Tammie Staples of the Port Hope Police Service.
Owen is known around the area because of his infectious smile.
Tonight was a night that Owen was the popular kid on the block – and beyond.
The day before Halloween, three police officers from the Port Hope Police awaited for Owen’s bus to come home, so Sarah could surprise Owen with his costume and grab a few pictures of the officers with Owen.
But on Halloween when Owen’s police car was fitted into place, complete with a ticket book, police badge and vest, Owen was off to cruise the neighbourhood.
Emergency lights were activated, siren blaring and within seconds you could hear Trick or Treaters walking by saying “is that ever cool.”
And it was.
Cars stopped, people literally came out of their houses to have their pictures taken with Owen and his police car. Even Port Hope Police Constable Steve Austin who was on patrol spotted the red and blue lights of Owen’s cruiser and had to stop for a few photos.
Along the way, Owen handed a few tickets out, one was to The Flash for running to fast in the neighbourhood.
As Owen’s grandmother walked up to the doors, using a bullhorn with help from Sarah, Owen would shout, “Happy Halloween and Happy Thanksgiving” in true Owen fashion.
It was a memorable night for Owen, his mom and Owen’s grandparents along with myself.
Thank you Owen and Sarah who being who you are.  Two amazing people with giant hearts spreading love and happiness wherever you go.

For video of Halloween night with Owen and his family click

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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