Midway In The Park Will Return for 2019 in Cobourg

In City Hall, Local

Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Unable to use the traditional site of the waterfront pier at its 2018 Waterfront Festival, the Rotary Club of Cobourg ensured that the show would go on by siting that popular attraction in Victoria Park.
If the pier cannot be made available for the 2019 festival, the club approached council at this week’s committee-of-the-whole meeting for permission to put the midway in Victoria Park again.
“We need to have a contract in place with the midway people before the end of the year,” Waterfront chairman Mike McLellan explained.
Rotary president Rick Riley reminded council of all the contributions the club has made to the community, and noted that the festival is one of their three big annual fundraisers (along with Ribfest and Sportsman’s Night).
Among the three, he said, the club has raised more than $220,000 this year.
“And all donations go back into the community, both locally and globally,” Riley said.
The midway is an indispensable part of the Waterfront Festival, he stated.
Mayor Gil Brocanier recalled that the site for the midway at the 2017 festival had been slated in at the 11th hour, and there had been complaints.
“One of the big concerns was the fact that there were so many trailers parked up against the edge of Paul Currelly Way,” Brocanier said.
“I would suggest that you consider how you are going to manage the parking of such large trailers so they are not blocking the view of the waterfront.”
“We will certainly work with town staff any way we can – that’s what we do,” Riley pledged.
Councillor Suzanne Seguin made a motion to approve the request for 2019 only, “with the provision that trailers possibly be relocated if that is doable.”
As for 2020, her motion called for referring the matter to the council that will be sitting after the municipal election.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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