Hamilton Township Firefighters Are Now Sworn Parking Enforcement Officers

In Community, Local

Hamilton Township is in the second year of having firefighters patrol parking enforcement throughout the township.
Fire Chief Kelly Serson said the idea spawned from taking care of fire routes that could be blocked in a emergency.
Previously the township contracted out bylaw services for parking and in 2017 the firefighters took it over as a pilot project.
“When we analysed the date that came back from contracting out the service, we found that there wasn’t really a good return on the investment to the municipality and many of the processes that were taking place weren’t where we wanted them to be.”
The fire service then stepped in and six firefighters are now sworn by-law enforcement officers and can issue parking infractions.
“It includes basically any parking that is in a restricted area, fire routes and disabled parking spots in the Township of Hamilton.”
The parking season generally runs from the May long weekend to the September long weekend, however anything to do with the fire routes will be strongly enforced throughout the year.
Serson adds that most of the issues they deal with regarding parking are complaints from residents.
“We aren’t out there all day long, all week long. We spot check and do enforcement that way.”
“On the weekend when most of the activity takes place we cover certain periods of the day time with volunteers. During weekday periods, myself, the Chiefs of the three stations and a number of municipal staff have the ability and authority to go and issue parking infractions.”
“We monitor it during the week and on weekends for a four to six hour period that’s when the volunteers go out and monitor the parking enforcement program.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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