Northumberland Paramedics equip Cobourg Waterfront with Automated External Defibrillators

In Community

Northumberland Paramedics has partnered with the Town of Cobourg to station two Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at the waterfront for use during the busy summer season.

AEDs are portable medical devices that offer immediate life-saving support to victims of sudden heart complications until paramedics arrive. Immediate
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in combination with early access to
automated defibrillation may increase the chance of survival for a victim of sudden cardiac arrest by 75% or more.
“It is important that AEDs are present in our community, especially in high traf-fic areas such as the Cobourg waterfront during the summer months,” states Northumberland Paramedics Chief Bill Detlor. “The increased access to AEDs in our community allows everyday citizens to take quick and effective action in the event of a medical emergency, increasing the likelihood of a first respond-er being able to save a life.”
In 2017, Northumberland Paramedics fundraising efforts resulted in the dona-tion of six AEDs to community organizations through the Public Access Defib-rillator (PAD) Program. In addition to donations, Northumberland Paramedics also participates in community AED education and information sessions. Rep-resentatives will participate in Cobourg waterfront’s emergency response drill on Thursday, July 28.
“We sincerely appreciate the partnership with Northumberland Paramedics to ensure the waterfront is equipped with these lifesaving AEDs over the sum-mer,” indicates Cobourg Emergency Planner Shannon Murphy. “Our water-front is an accessible, family-friendly destination that experiences enormous local and tourist traffic over the summer months. We want people to enjoy themselves while they take in all that our great community has to offer, and enhancing the safety of our waterfront attraction is a big part of this formula.”
The two AEDs were set-up in time for the Waterfront Festival over the July long weekend. The devices are located at the Waterfront Tourism Information Booth near the canteen and splash pad.
Community organizations interested in applying to receive an AED through the Northumberland Paramedics PAD Program may submit an application to The PAD Program application form is available at:

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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