Extreme Heat Couldn’t Stop Volunteerism Over Canada Day Weekend In Cobourg and Port Hope

In Editor Choice, Local

Editorial – The annual Waterfront Festival in Cobourg and Canada Day celebrations in Port Hope are over.
The extreme heat and humidity may have played a role in the attendance.
It’s about the only thing that wasn’t in the hands of the volunteers.
But take a moment to realize what this weekend would be like without the volunteers from both communities.
Simply put. There wouldn’t be one in either Port Hope or Cobourg.
Rotary, Lions, Kinsmen, Cadets, St. John Ambulance and many, many more.
For those that attend and did their best to enjoy themselves in the stifling heat, think about those who were in it for hours on end – the volunteers.
Greeting visitors with a smile each time.
Of course there would be complaints. Nothing is ever perfect. And honestly. That’s a good thing. Living in a perfect world would be boring.
As a parent it was hard to watch members of the Concert Band of Cobourg stand in their partial wool uniforms and wait while a magician performed during the ceremonies at the Victoria Park bandshell. They were waiting to play Happy Birthday before the Canada Day cupcakes were handed out.
But reflection does wonders. In the end everyone in the band lasted and there were smiles all around from those in attendance.
There is always minor glitches, but the GREAT things far outweighed the imperfections.
If anyone is attending the festival in Cobourg today or knows anyone who volunteers in anyway, stop, smile and just say “thank you.”
If you feel it’s appropriate, give them a hug if you’re not to sweaty from the heat. Over this hot, sweltering Canada day weekend, volunteers made both events happen in both communities.
And the money raised by volunteers will benefit both communities.
On behalf of Today’s Northumberland a great big tip of the (sweaty) Tilley to all volunteers from both communities.
For the volunteers, kick back, rest your feet and relax after this weekend – if only for a few days, as next year is just around the corner.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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