Quinte West OPP – Drug Arrest/Michief

In Police Blotter


(QUINTE WEST) – On Saturday, April 22, 2018 at 9 AM an officer of the Quinte West Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) located a vehicle speeding on Highway 2. Upon stopping the vehicle the officer located a quantity of crack cocaine.

The male driver was subsequently arrested for possession. Investigation revealed that the driver had lied to the officer about his identity and was breaching multiple court orders.

With the assistance of the Durham Regional Police Service the officer determined that the mal e driver had broken into a residence in the Uxbridge area and stolen the vehicle. As well, further investigation revealed that the male had stolen numerous items from within other vehicles in the Uxbridge area before fleeing in the stolen vehicle to the Quinte West area. All of these items were located inside the recovered stolen vehicle.

Jesse FRASER, 30, of Brighton is charged with:

  • Possession of Schedule I Substance – Crack Cocaine, Section 4(1) of Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
  • Obstruct Peace Officer, Section 129(a) of Criminal Code
  • Two counts of Theft of Motor Vehicle, Section 333.1 of Criminal Code
  • Break and Enter a dwelling house, Section 348(1)(a) of Criminal Code
  • Two counts of Theft Under $5000, Section 334(b) of Criminal Code
  • Three counts of Possession Property Obtained by Crime, Section 354(1)(a) of Criminal Code
  • Three counts of Fail to Comply with Probation Order, Section 733.1(1) of Criminal Code
  • Driving while under suspension, Section 53(1) of Highway Traffic Act
  • Speeding, Section 128 of Highway Traffic Act

The accused was held in custody and is to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Belleville on Monday, April 23.



(QUINTE WEST) – On Saturday, April 22, 2018 at 4:45 PM officers of the Quinte West Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a report of two youth inside a vehicle on Loyalist Pa rkway. The caller reported that the youth were destroying the inside of the vehicle.

Officers attended the scene and located a male and female youth. Investigation revealed that the youth had walked away from a youth group home in Prince Edward County and then attended a residence on Loyalist Parkway. The youth then entered a vehicle parked at the residence and stole multiple items from within the vehicle before causing damage to the interior.

Both youth were arrested and charged with Theft Under $5000, Section 334(b) of Criminal Code and Mischief under $5000, Section 430(4) of Criminal Code. Additionally, the male youth was found to be breaching a court order and was charged with Failing to Comply with Recognizance, Section 145(3) of Criminal Code.

The accused female youth was released on a Promise to Appear and is to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Belleville on June 5. The accused male youth was held in custody for a bail hearing and released on a Recognizance, he is set to appear in Belleville on May1.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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