Peterborough Police Media Release

In Police Blotter

Media Release for Monday April 23, 2018

Calls for Service:

(April 20 at 8 a.m. to April 21 at 8 a.m.) 81

(April 21 at 8 a.m. to April 22 at 8 a.m.) 93

(April 22 at 8 a.m. to April 23 at 8 a.m.) 61


Pedal for Hope Kick-Off Reminder:

The kick-off to the 2018 Pedal for Hope Tour takes place this morning (April 23) at approximately 9 a.m. at Westmount Public School.


Special Olympics Ontario PAHL Sports Festival:

Our media partners are invited to attend the Special Olympics Ontario PAHL Sports Festival taking place on April 25, 2018 at 10 a.m. at the Trent University Athletics Centre, 1650 West Bank Drive. The Festival provides young athletes with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to participate in a variety of sport stations (i.e., Basketball, Soccer, Bocce, Bowling, Curling, etc.) and learn about the benefits of living a physically active and healthy life.


Break and Enter Arrest:

The Peterborough Police Service has made an arrest following a break-in at a Hunter Street West café earlier in April.


Shortly after 4 a.m. on April 8, 2018 an unknown male broke into a Hunter Street West café. Through the investigation the male was identified.


On April 21, 2018 at approximately 3:10 a.m. officers located the male walking in the area of Aylmer and Simcoe Streets.


As a result of the investigation Thomas Mark Perdue, 28, of Brock Street, was arrested and charged with break and enter, fail to comply with a recognizance X2 and fail to comply with a probation order.


The accused appeared in court on April 21, 2018, was remanded in custody and is scheduled to appear again in court on April 30, 2018.


Domestic assault Arrest:

A 21-year-old Peterborough man has been arrested and charged after his ex-girlfriend was assaulted and threatened.


The accused is currently on conditions to not associate or communicate directly or indirectly with the victim, his ex-girlfriend, and remain away from where she lives and works. On the night of April 21, 2018 the accused and victim were at the same Peterborough address where they became involved in a verbal dispute.


During the dispute it was reported that the accused threatened the victim and assaulted her. Police were called and attended the location.


Later that same night officers located the accused at a Peterborough residence where, as a result of the investigation, he was arrested and charged with assault, uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm and fail to comply with a probation order.

The accused appeared in weekend and statutory holiday court on April 22, 2018, was remanded in custody and is scheduled to appear again in court later today (April 23).

The name of the accused will not be released to protect the identity of the victim in this domestic-based incident.


Domestic assault Arrest:

A 20-year-old Peterborough man is facing charges including assault and mischief following a domestic incident on Sunday night.


On April 22, 2018 the accused and female victim became involved in an argument. During the argument it was reported that the accused kicked in a bedroom door and caused other damage to the victim’s apartment and threatened and assaulted the victim. Police were called and attended the residence.


As a result of the investigation the accused was arrested and charged with assault, uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm and mischief under $5,000.


The accused was held in custody and is scheduled to appear in court later today (April 23).

The name of the accused will not be released to protect the identity of the victim in this domestic incident.


Cause disturbance Arrest:

The Peterborough Police Service has arrested and charged a 51-year-old male with causing a disturbance outside the Sherbrooke Street liquor store.


Shortly after 3 p.m. on April 21, 2018 officers were dispatched to the liquor store on Sherbrooke Street for reports of an intoxicated male harassing customers and attempting to engage others in a fight.


Police arrived on scene and located the male by Jackson Creek who proceeded to jump into the river and continue to cause a disturbance by screaming and yelling obscenities, drawing a crowd on the opposite side of the river.


As a result of the investigation Jasen Nelson McKinley, 51, of Park Street North, was arrested and charged with causing a disturbance and resist peace officer.

The accused was released from custody and is scheduled to appear in court on May 17, 2018.


Assault peace officer Arrest:

A 34-year-old Peterborough man is facing several charges following a Sunday night traffic stop.


On April 22, 2018 at approximately 10:30 p.m. an officer on patrol in the area of Brock and Bethune Streets saw a cyclist travelling south on Bethune with no bicycle lighting. The officer conducted a traffic stop to investigate the Highway Traffic Act infraction during which time the male was uncooperative. During the interaction with the male officers noted a strong odour of an alcoholic beverage coming from the male’s breath. The male is currently on conditions to abstain from consuming alcohol or other intoxicating substances.


When officers attempted to place the male under arrest for breach of an undertaking the male resisted and assaulted an officer and attempted to flee. Officers were able to apprehend the male, who also uttered threats to police. During the search incident to arrest an amount of marijuana was located on the male.


As a result of the investigation Michael James Hele, 34, of Dalhousie Street, was arrested and charged with the following:


  • Assault peace officer
  • Assault with intent to resist arrest
  • Uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm
  • Fail to comply with conditions of an undertaking given by officer in charge
  • Possession of a schedule II substance (Marijuana under 30 grams)


The accused was held in custody and is scheduled to appear in court later today (April 23).


Use of credit card Arrest:

A 25-year-old Peterborough man and an 18-year-old Peterborough woman have been arrested and charged following an investigation involving a credit card that was stolen from a vehicle and used at local stores.


On April 17, 2018 the victim left his wallet inside his vehicle parked at a Park Street North residence. During the evening unknown person(s) stole the wallet and used the victim’s credit card twice on April 18, 2018. Through the investigation officers were able to identify the co-accused.


On the morning of April 21, 2018 officers located the co-accused at a Dalhousie Street residence where, as a result of the investigation, they were placed under arrest.

Kyle Arthur Loyst, 25, of Dalhousie Street, is charged with use of credit card and possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000.


Kayla Mackenzie Pigeon, 18, of Dalhousie Street, is charged with use of credit card and possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000.


Both accused were released from custody and are scheduled to appear in court on May 17, 2017.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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