Stolen Jeep Recovered At Northumberland Hills Hospital in Cobourg

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Two suspects are in custody after a stolen Jeep was recovered on Tuesday afternoon in Cobourg at Northumberland Hills Hospital. The white Jeep Compass was reported stolen earlier in day after it was stolen from a Ganaraska Road residence in the Campbellcroft area north of Port Hope. A Northumberland OPP officer spotted the vehicle shortly after 2 p.m. near DePalma Drive in Cobourg. The vehicle pulled into Northumberland Hills Hospital and stopped immediately outside the entrance to the Emergency Department of the facility. Both males fled on foot from the vehicle. One of the males made it approximately 300 metres east of Burnham Street where Northumberland OPP officers apprehended him near a creek. One of the suspects was taken to the Emergency Department of Northumberland Hills Hospital at his own request due to self admitted illicit drug ingestion. The other was taken to the Northumberland OPP Detachment in Cobourg. The ages of the suspects are 32 and 25-years-old and both are from the area are facing several charges.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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