Quick Arrests Made Following Home Invasion In Oshawa

In Police Blotter

Police have charged three people after a male was assaulted during a home invasion in Oshawa Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday March 14, 2018, at approximately 10:25 a.m., Central East and Central West Division officers responded to a home invasion in the area of Thornton Road and Conlin Road in Oshawa. They arrived to find a male who reported two males knocked on the door and then forced entry. The suspects assaulted the male before leaving in a waiting vehicle. They were later located in the Mary Street and Nonquon Road area of Oshawa and arrested.

Police do not believe this was a random attack. The victim was treated for minor injuries.

Tevon CHARLES, age 24, and Shiloh TAFARI, age 19 both of Oshawa, are charged with Robbery Assault with Intent to Steal; Assault With a Weapon and Break and Enter Commit Residence.

Cindy CARROLL, age 36, of Oshawa is charged with Party to the Offence.  All three were released on a Promise To Appear.

Anyone with new information is asked to contact the Central West Division Criminal Investigations Bureau at 1-888-579-1520 ext. 1825.

Anonymous information can be sent to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at www.durhamregionalcrimestoppers.ca and tipsters may be eligible for a $2,000 cash reward.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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