United Way Northumberland Delivers $252,449 to Seven community Service Organizations

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On Tuesday, October 16, 2023, United Way Northumberland is pleased to announce $252,449 in funding to support 7 projects in Northumberland County through the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund. The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time investment of $400 million to help community service organizations (charities, non-profits, Indigenous governing bodies) adapt, modernize and be better equipped to improve the efficacy, accessibility and sustainability of the community services that they provide through the pandemic recovery and beyond.

The following projects are being supported in Northumberland County:

$41,449 was invested to fund Community Health Centres of Northumberland to support the Social Prescribing Program;

$10,000 was invested to fund Cycle Transitions to Restore Efficiency of Cycle Transitions Bike Repair;

$51,000 was invested to fund Green Wood Coalition to support Street Level WrapAround;

$72,000 was invested to fund The Help and Legal Centre of Northumberland to support Communications Outreach Accessibility Technology Update;

$10,000 was invested to fund Northumberland Child Development Centre to support A Gathering Place for Children and Families;

$11,000 was invested to fund The Salvation Army to support Brighton Mobile Office;

$57,000 was invested to fund Westben Theatre Arts Centre to support Revitalizing Inclusive Community Connection.

Community service organizations are at the forefront of addressing communities’ needs. Since the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have struggled with increased demand for their services, reduced revenues, declines in charitable giving due to the rising cost of living, and a greater need to make use of digital tools. Many organizations are struggling to recover and adapt their services to the changing needs of Northumberland County.

For more information, visit the Community Services Recovery Fund website at https://communityservicesrecoveryfund.ca/. For more information on United Way Northumberland, you can visit our website or contact us at 905-372-6955.

“United Way Northumberland is honoured to have been able to work alongside the Government of Canada, local United Ways, Community Foundations and the Canadian Red Cross to distribute Community Services Recovery Funding to seven local organizations in Northumberland County,” says Maggie Darling, Acting Executive Director, United Way Northumberland. “These investments will help to improve and sustain services for organizations, individuals, and families in our community as we continue to collectively recover from the impacts of the pandemic.”

“The projects supported by the Government of Canada through the Community Services Recovery Fund demonstrate that we are a caring and compassionate society that values the well-being of all its members. It is heartening to see the compassion and empathy of our citizens as they give back to those in need. Projects like those listed are a testament to the power of our collective action and our ability to come together to make a positive difference in the world. I am confident that together we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in Northumberland,” says Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.

Quick Facts:
The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support community service organizations, including charities, non-profits and Indigenous governing bodies, as they adapt their organizations for pandemic recovery.

Now more than ever, community service organizations play a key role in addressing complex social problems faced by many communities across Canada.

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, community service organizations across Canada have shown impressive stamina and creativity in their response to the diverse and increasingly challenging needs of their communities.

The Community Services Recovery Fund responds to what community service organizations need right now and supports them as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.

As community service organizations across Canada work to support recovery in their communities, the CSRF will help them adapt and modernize their operations to grow their impact.

The Government of Canada is delivering the CSRF through three National Funders (Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, United Way Centraide Canada). The National Funders are distributing funding to eligible community service organizations, including charities, non-profits, and Indigenous governing bodies, providing services in communities across Canada.

The Government of Canada supports a more inclusive model of economic growth, one that creates opportunities for everyone in Canada, as the long-term recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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