With winds reaching up to 100 kph in the area there was no shortage of weather shots around the Port Hope and Cobourg area on Monday, January 27, 2025.
The break walls and light houses in both Cobourg and Port Hope are popular places for photos.
In Cobourg, it’s rare that no one was spotted in the east pier during the day, but thankfully everyone had the common sense not to venture out with the strong winds.
Some birds stayed in the inner harbour in Cobourg, but venturing out north of County Road 2, there were many birds that seemed to be hunkered down for the weather.
In both Port Hope and Cobourg the waves crashing against the breakwalls almost seemed like an explosion of water shooting skyward.
Strong gusts of wind made it hard for driving in some areas with drifts across roadways or even driving through white-out conditions.
Plows were doing their best including along Theatre Road in Hamilton Township, but it seemed like as soon as they went down one road, the drifts were back across the road a short time later.
There were a few collisions, but mostly vehicles in the ditch including along Greer Road in Cobourg.
Cobourg Police attended the scene to check on the driver, but a tow truck arrived shortly after and pulled the vehicle out of the ditch.
There were noi major reports of damage, but at the bottom of Division Street in Cobourg a tree broke due to the winds and a traffic signal broke loose on Division at King Street.
But at the end of the day, even though the winds hadn’t died down any, it was a beautiful sunset.
As of shortly after midnight on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 there were no major reports of power outages in the area.