Port Hope Couple Dealing with Theft of 2024 Jeep Warning Others To Take Precautions

In Local, Police Blotter

A Port Hope woman said she hates the word “victim” but on Monday morning she became one after her 2024 Jeep was stolen right outside her apartment.

Stefani Jones and her husband Steve bought the $64,000 Jeep just a few months ago in July.

Never in a million years did they realize it would be stolen right from under their noses as the slept peacefully along with their two dogs in their apartment above the Port Hope Veterinary Clinic on Peter Street early Monday, October 7, 2024.

Stefani said she got home shortly after 11 p.m. on Sunday evening and parked the Jeep beside their residence.

Steve let their dogs out at 1 a.m. and the Jeep was still in the driveway.

But when her husband looked out from the second floor window on Monday morning around 9 a.m. it was gone.

“I thought my husband was joking,” was Stefani’s first reaction.

After briefly searching around the immediate area, they called Port Hope Police to report the vehicle stolen.

Police came, took their statements and information advising the couple they’d look into it.

“I don’t know what they looked into because as soon as I calmed down enough I started canvassing and going to my neighbours.”

Stefani said she went to nearby businesses checking to see if they had any video of the suspects or the Jeep.

They were both disappointed stating police didn’t really help at first other than to advise them on Tuesday morning their vehicle was likely headed for Montreal to be shipped overseas.

“I wasn’t getting any answers from the police.”

Stefani was advised there were ways of tracking the Jeep using technology, but police advised they had contacted the agencies that had tracking systems in the vehicle and were told they had been turned off.

Stefani said the theft of the Jeep is secondary to the sentimental items that were inside.

“In that Jeep holds my entire life. It holds the ashes to my dog and holds a very sentimental photo of my grandfather.

“The Jeep is replaceable – it’s what’s inside that matters.”

The couple said they wouldn’t hesitate to get another Jeep, but want to inform others to take precautions with new vehicles.

Cameras will be installed at their residence, police also advised about purchasing at least six Apple air tags for the vehicle for tracking, a device that is installed on the steering wheel making it inoperable and boxing the vehicle in at night.

The dealership can also install a immobilizer that is approved by their insurance company.

“I’m pissed off.”

Police stated they believe the thieves are professionals and its likely the vehicle was stolen in under two-minutes.

The experience dealing with police has also left the couple disappointed.

I wasn’t getting answers. The fact that I had to go and try and ask my neighbours to see if they found anything. I shouldn’t have had to do that. That should have been the police.”

“They gave up hope really quick.”

Stefani also added to never leave sentimental inside your car – even overnight.

Police have advised the couple their investigation isn’t complete and for now the Jones are hoping for the best, but are expecting the worst.

Port Hope Police have not issued a press release.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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