Reader Says Cobourg Should Look to Toronto for Solution to Plowing

In Letter to Editor

Letter to the Editor

Good morning,
Several people have noticed the same problems reoccurring with freezing temperature and overnight snow removal. It would be perfect if snow removal like this Toronto video shows how they clear snow piles, on streets, in front of our driveways.. Let’s not forget Cobourg never agreed to upkeep the sidewalks or boulevards, and our taxes went up by a great 12%.

Many apartment buildings or house owners are people who are handicapped, working on shifts, have little children and a great number of us are over 65 like you may be one day.

Countless home services have to access our driveways such as food stores, nursing care, pharmacy deliveries, paramedics, police, fire department, furnace services and many other services, visitors, family members etc.

Doing something right for humanity and respect our needs is perhaps too much asking well remunerated people, but making life easier in our Town will be noticed by a lot of us. Remember this, it is just for a few weeks and this is when it is well needed! We can skip pleasurable activities under the sunshine season but not safety. Please reassess our needs and your priorities.

Johanne Loken

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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